Malthinker Skull has a REALLY strong effect… | Dead by Daylight

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This video explains the Dredge add-ons that increase his Nightime meter and why the Malthinker Skull is by far the best of them all.

0:00 Nightfall Explained
5:28 Build
6:00 Gameplay

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Background space footage: @SpaceFootageCollective
Thumbnail render & footage help from Ev3ntic:


36 thoughts on “Malthinker Skull has a REALLY strong effect… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Why high rank killers get these meme survivors who go all to unhook someone and forget about objective while I get pro survivors with 3k+ gameplay hours (while I have 50h)

  2. 0:055:28 This is why I love the dredge however I didn't know it takes 300 charge to get to nightfall and seeing how much it takes to build it up I'm like wow I always thought hook survivors count as injured too help build up now ik it doesn't so u have too have them injured more and more not just hooked lol but yea and being in the locker helps too and as u teleport as well also if anyone remember this u can enter blocked lockers around the hook survivors just open it and get in make others think u left lol

    16:52 oh hhhhhheeeeeelllllloooooo there

    17:0017:20 I feel u there man I just be laughing on what just happened lol

    Yep this was the best dredge game showing this add-on perfectly and it was on Haddon Field 😱😱😱😱 👏👏👏👏

  3. Even though the lockers appear blocked by the entities claws you can still manually climb into lockers right next to hooks and for the first 8 seconds won't give off the tell tale smoke and hum.

  4. I recommend using the other iri add on which gives exposed to all survivors 12 seconds before nightfall end which would prolly be a really good synergy with this build. Either way good gameplay otz 🙂

  5. The most terrifying thing i have ever seen was a Dredge who brought the Malthinkers Skull, the Broken Doll and brought Knockout and Third seal as 2 of his perks, you just hear screams across the map and have no idea where they came from because he seems to have infinite nightfall


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