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This video explains the Dredge add-ons that increase his Nightime meter and why the Malthinker Skull is by far the best of them all.
0:00 Nightfall Explained
5:28 Build
6:00 Gameplay
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Background space footage: @SpaceFootageCollective
Thumbnail render & footage help from Ev3ntic:
Went against someone who used your build but changed it up to make it even stronger. Super oppressive, couldn't do anything.
using sloopy butcher with malthinker's skull and lavalier microphone is fun, people get spooked whenever they hear the lockers slam close to them while healing >:D
It’s kinda like oni’s power, the more injured the better and when you injure you get a jump in your power
Imagine a Dredge with Coulrophobia, Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher, and Thanatophobia
Bro I feel bad for Cute Devil lol they spent a good majority of the match either slugged or being chased
I don't know why but I jumped a little bit when otz hello friends at the start of the video 😂😂
Does putting a survivor into the deep-wound state count as another form of injury for the sake of getting points for Dredge power?
That visual in the beginning showing the speed provided by the different add ons helped ALOT, thanks otz, another great video
What a nasty add on you just gave me the will to play dredge oooh nooooo.
Hey otz
What's the meter on the right of generators left?
Background music from hades? Kinda sounds like Chaos' theme.
Why high rank killers get these meme survivors who go all to unhook someone and forget about objective while I get pro survivors with 3k+ gameplay hours (while I have 50h)
0:05–5:28 This is why I love the dredge however I didn't know it takes 300 charge to get to nightfall and seeing how much it takes to build it up I'm like wow I always thought hook survivors count as injured too help build up now ik it doesn't so u have too have them injured more and more not just hooked lol but yea and being in the locker helps too and as u teleport as well also if anyone remember this u can enter blocked lockers around the hook survivors just open it and get in make others think u left lol
16:52 oh hhhhhheeeeeelllllloooooo there
17:00–17:20 I feel u there man I just be laughing on what just happened lol
Yep this was the best dredge game showing this add-on perfectly and it was on Haddon Field 😱😱😱😱 👏👏👏👏
This addon might be the best of the „lower“ tier addons, since it is basicly the dredges playstyle
That locker play was dope just surprise inner strength ain’t gonna save you now
I'm curious if it's worth it to run the skull with an addon to extend the duration of Nightfall
Even though the lockers appear blocked by the entities claws you can still manually climb into lockers right next to hooks and for the first 8 seconds won't give off the tell tale smoke and hum.
Twitter be like
who tryna be in my night fall
I recommend using the other iri add on which gives exposed to all survivors 12 seconds before nightfall end which would prolly be a really good synergy with this build. Either way good gameplay otz 🙂
Brilliant video and all but I had to ask because I can just barely hear it in the background… is that Primordial Chaos' theme from Hades in the background?
otz used the background noise from the chaos realm in hades at the beginning of the video. Small detail I picked up on
Not played in months are you able to finds games quick as killer ? Last time I played took 35+ mins to find a game
Hades soundtrack 😘👌
God damn that was brutal! I'm so bad at playing Dredge but I may try this build. Great video Otz! 😀
it would be great to have every killer have a scaling mechanic, maybe some get weaker as the game progresses
Wouldnt this be insane with sloppy butcherer & thana?
So nurses calling alone makes this an anti healing build?
Bruh not the minus mmr yuis, the begening was informative though, never bothered to know how nightfall works.
Malthinker is not a real word.
Until we meet again!
The most terrifying thing i have ever seen was a Dredge who brought the Malthinkers Skull, the Broken Doll and brought Knockout and Third seal as 2 of his perks, you just hear screams across the map and have no idea where they came from because he seems to have infinite nightfall
Great editing
otz finally playing with addons
This is an amazing visualisation in the beginning part of the vid. Production quality⬆️
The explaining part of this video was INSANELY good! I often have a hard time converting the "15% charge time" "10 stacks" etc etc and this made it super easy to understand!