ManFaceJay Shaming A Streamer For NO REASON – Dead By Daylight

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Here’s my 20 minute response to a 20 minute video ManFaceJay made to mock a steamer for no reason, other than to boost his own ego…

Please go show some love and support to the streamer that he mocks, they don’t deserve the negativity.

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26 thoughts on “ManFaceJay Shaming A Streamer For NO REASON – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I've always liked Jay as a creator. I watch his video quite often. And honestly that video didn't sit right with me. Just shit on that streamer for not playing how Jay wants him to.

  2. "Now I don't need the help because I have Power Struggle…"
    And they don't know that because they can't see your perks. Maybe accept that they made one good play? Or is the thought of someone who listens to rap music playing DbD competently too much for you, mister ManFace?

  3. TL;DR: The Ayrun issue was more complicated than @SpooknJukes made it out to be, malice and arrogance were attributed when it might not have been the case, there might have been a disconnect between your mindset and content when looking at @ManFaceJay 's mindset and content, and that there are valid points on both sides

    @SpooknJukes I don't know if this video was off the cuff but it didn't seem like you were thorough when making this video and making sure to do your due diligence. I watch both you and ManFaceJay(Jay) and I think there are some differences in content that might cause the video to make more sense to both sides.

    Starting off, your point about Jay having 5 videos about Ayrun and Ayrun having no videos about Jay isn't a very good point and does come off as slightly hypocritical of you. Jay's stream had a number of Ayrun's followers come in (Ayrun did not tell them to do this) and create chaos because Jay killed Ayrun in a certain way. This seems like something you would defend as someone was playing the way they liked an people were telling them to not do that. Jay then put a gameplay review style video up of Ayrun's game with commentary from Jay about what was going on in the match. Ayrun then copyright strike the video, leading to several more videos including the original video after Jay challenged the strike and Youtube rule in his favor. Any bad blood between Jay and Ayrun isn't due to Ayrun being a survivor player but Ayrun copyright striking a video. That might also explain why Ayrun didn't make a video because they didn't want to discuss what has happened.

    As for the video about iitzmezo (the streamer), I think that there are some points where malice is being attributed to Jay when there are other explanations. For example, the whole part about solo carrying. Depending on how Jay made the video, it could have been that Jay misheard what the streamer said the video and thought they were saying they could solo carry and went with that for the rest of the video. He also said, it's classic about the rap music. Jay never stated that he hated rap music in the video, just that it was going to get him de-monetized. It's classic could have a number of different meanings depending on the context and what a person finds funny. Maybe they had seen videogame compilations where the person was messing up and had rap music playing in the background. There were points you were saying Jay was arrogant about not needing to be saved but the streamer pallet saved them anyway when Jay was just saying he had power struggle and didn't need to. That can just be an analysis of whether the streamer needed to do that, not necessarily arrogance.

    I also think there is a disconnect with the mindset between videos. It seems to me that Jay goes into matches with the goal of winning and it reflects in his content. In the case of be as efficient as possible in games so you can win, there are several points where the streamer does make errors when looking through that lens. When looking through the lens of just enjoying yourself, many of Jays comments do not mesh well with that idea. In that case maybe it's just a disconnect between different content.

    I do agree that there were comments made by Jay that did cross a line, such as "If your brain is not stimulated by this game, stop playing it". As you stated, people with ADHD might have trouble with that. There are other comments I disagreed with as well, as the streamer did work on gens and try to save others including Jay.

    Overall I think that Jays video went too far in some places and could easily be thought of as malicious and in some places lacked an understanding of people with different backgrounds, and I think that your video was somewhat hypocritical with the Ayrun situation and was trying to attribute malice when it could have been otherwise.

    I love your work @SpooknJukes and this one disappointed me a little because it didn't seem like enough due diligence was done. I hope that your future videos are as great as your other videos.

  4. I started watching manfacedjay a few weeks ago and watched his gameplay and liked how his attitude was with being ok with camping and tunneling and saying it’s just a game. Then I watched his other videos of him exposing streamers who put down smaller ones and act like complete fools being mad at the game. Then watching his ayrun videos I was thinking it was fair and he did the right thing. However making a video on it I felt was not necessary. Then I saw this video you’re reviewing and I felt it was ludicrous and very hipocritical of him to judge someone else’s gameplay and making fun of a presumably smaller streamer just on how he plays? And in the past I just remember his video of him talking about a three gen and playing deathslinger. He said he “doesn’t make mistakes as killer” and if I do they’re very small ones. I just thought I’d shed some light on his gameplay on this match- and thought I’d point out this man^ calls him out on a few of his bigger mistakes. I liked his content but now I feel like it’s unnecessary to post videos like these all they do is show him as a Hypocrite i don’t hate manfacedjay I just wish he wouldn’t be so blatantly hypocritical about what he says and does.

  5. Something really baf about the dbd comunity is that basically if you do something that another dude doesn't like you are considered toxic. I dont get the point on that, i mean, at the end is just a game and you can play it as you want. If you want to complain about something maybe complain about that afk people at the beggining on the match when everybody is trying to play the're just being there standing still, idk, that things can botter someone buy besides that, it is just a game, jrm and ayrun are just amazing and the killer mains, i mean, i am a killer main and when i got a guy like that i feel great, because i can practice and get better at looping, see that as an oportunity. Amazing video and just hope to more and more people understand that at the end this is just a GAME

  6. I say ayrun and Jrm play the game normally like I don’t blame them. like at the end of the day the most important thing in dbd is to have fun. And yes tea begging can be annoying or tunneling can get out of hand. But at the end of the day you are doing the objective to win or loss. Just remember it’s a game not real life you play for fun. And that’s why jrm and ayrun do the things there love. I wanted thank you spooks for opening my eyes to realise it’s just a game, don’t play like it’s a tournament play to have fun.

  7. I've been watching you way before I found MFJ, who I am pretty sure was recommended to me because I watch your videos, before the sjws come at me with pitchforks for being on one side. As someone with ADHD, that should never excuse forcing yourself to play a game that isn't stimulating you in any way shape or form and 3 other people end up getting someone who's just apparently playing a fighting game by mashing buttons never concerned with the objective and arrogantly pointing out that you'll solo carry the game. It's important to call out these individuals who will influence others to come to just walk around and do nothing with their noses up to the sky. I'm not taking sides for liking A or B better, but because logically Jay is not on the wrong here whatsoever. I'll agree that his mockery (likely for entertainment purposes) could be too much but beyond that there's nothing wrong with it.

  8. As someone who was previously subscribed to manfacejay.

    As a blk person it’s insanely off to hear someone complain and mention rap music that many times like that… It’s just very off tbh.

  9. this dude is the classic case of a killer main (sometimes plays survivor) that developed so much hate towards survivors, he just assumes all survivor out there are toxic and only survivor gameplay can be portarayed as toxic.

    so to correct that mindset >>> NO! blinding and stunning the killer constantly as a survivor does not make you toxic or a bully, same goes for tunneling and camping as the killer.
    play the game however you find it fun to play and if you don't find it fun, play other games.


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