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Now that we have played The Dredge, I wanted to experience it from the survivors perspective… I shouldn’t have even tried it!! Very very fun killer! but damn is it scary!

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


otzdarva, no0b3, TRU3TA1ENT


27 thoughts on “MANFACEJAY VS THE DREDGE | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I have to say BHVR has kinda stepped it up over the past bit haven't they. By that i mean look at the map re-works ie farm, haddonfield, and the latest map, the fidelity and punchy-ness is really chefs kiss. If BHVR can really push out more original content or where as it comes to licensed content get a deal with some creative liberties, and i can only imagine where the game will go. Also Jay picture this Hex: The Third Seal on this puddle of goop…

  2. In the PTB for the DLC. Nightfall was a complete joke as it actually made the game brighter.. Honestly I am soo glad they listened to everyone and actually made it dark and a much shorter draw distance. Oh and.. I have been wondering where I have seen the design for Dredge before.. and found out it was P.T.. And there is also a model on a asset store that looks very much like Dredge.. ( There is a indie game that uses it, forgot the name of it at the moment. Think a youtuber by the name ManlyBadassHero did a video with that game.. Well at least its one of those youtubers who does videos on indie horror games anyway. ) Kinda.. Makes me wonder if they just too part of the model or if they went full lazy and bought the model from someone else.

  3. What is your opinion on the dredge? Would you say it's unfair ability wise in comparison to other killers?
    I haven't played him yet and only saw videos but I don't know what that killer can or can't do, I've been told that it's unfair others say he's balanced with the other killers

  4. the addon where lockers within 8m of a teleport open and shut is terrifying too. scared the crap out of a friend with it in a custom. it's also operating at 110% too. it's any locker that you pass on your way to the locker you teleport to

  5. Amazing! The first game was so dark!! I agree with you saying he's like one of the greatest killers they've released. Its made dbd like scary as shit lol. Its so much fun, im so glad you got to see how dark it could get and why its so terrifyingπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ’–πŸ’– keep up the great work!

  6. I'm rightly always very negative about the devs due to the ridiculous imbalance of the game. But credit where it's due. The dredge might save dbd as I've actually considered reinstalling to play him and against him. And yes, I did assume his gender. He clearly has a penis. As a head.

  7. Can you please do a video on onryo? I main her, but dude it's so painful playing her. I'm at my wits end and am convinced she is the weakest killer in the game. I keep trying but unless I play on midwich I won't get kills. Onryo is very weak against high mmr survivors and the just never make mistakes. I don't even like playing killer I just started because I thought she's funny. I've watched killer guides so I slug, camp and tunnel if necessary but even that isn't successful with her. Do you think she needs a buff or is she fine as is? I'm upset behavior hasn't buffed her again.

  8. So far the only gameplay to defeat the dredge has been Swfs with comms gen rushing teams of two . Forcing me to tunnel one to death. the team falls apart when they get pissed. All solo players have been getting destroyed. Every team's bringing a map ,keys or gen addons. Making for some sweaty games.


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