Many players quit DBD over this… | Dead by Daylight

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The other day we played a match that perfectly encapsulated the reason a lot of people quit playing DBD. Getting hit by serious bugs, outdated mechanics and uninteractive lose-lose situations all in the course of a single match is something that newer players should not be subjected to. I thought some people might appreciate knowing that despite all of these things, you can still perform well and not lose your mind in the process.

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37 thoughts on “Many players quit DBD over this… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. The quality of your content is astronomically high. The little cut-aways you put together showing the successful techs and strategies are amazingly helpful. Fantastic video, as always, Otz!

  2. I picked up DbD because I really liked the idea of Killer. I played it for I think 800 hours before I quit, and like 70-80% of that was as Survive with Friends. Killer is an absolutely miserable experience in this game, there are so many things that do nothing against high skill players (FoV tech) yet can guarantee a miss nearly every time vs a new killer.

    This game is heavily built against new players on both sides, it feels awful trying to get good at this game.

  3. Ya know what really gets me about good survivors. Sure they play well and maybe I brought a meme build but once the gates are open suddenly NO ON WANTS TO LEAVE!!! like wtf why stick around for 5 minutes waiting till the last possible second to leave.

  4. That hit on Ada at the window is because of Off The Record. If you get healed back to full health and dont do any actions that disable OTR it still stays active. So you can eat the healthy hit, and then OTR will tank the hit that would've knocked you down. It's like a free dead hard. I didnt know it was a bug though, the amount of times ive met all that criteria is pretty rare.

  5. The fact BHVR refuses to killswitch OTR which is the only perk that can take advantage of the Endurance bug is really telling. None of the other addons/perks last long enough to get a second hit to my knowledge.

  6. Not hating on you Otz but I will say it is nice to see even if you have lots of hours mistakes can be made(though it is probably easier to see in hingesight) such as when you down Dwight the first time but didnt check to see if the person who was on the gen was nearby.

  7. The haste for everyone, the constant restrictions on what killers can and cant do, the 5000 endurances, the maps.

    It's why I quit playing killer even though the only reason I came back to DBD was Pyramid Head.

    I started playing only survivor and had a lot more fun and honestly felt like I was having an easier time but eventually I just got bored and just don't play anymore game just isn't fun anymore on either side. And with the recent changes and updates I don't see that ever changing outside of maybe game modes

  8. It can be tough sometimes, as a solo survivor it’s pretty common to get killers who win, and god forbid we play well, cause then the killer will just dc. Oh but swfs are op blah blah, I just said I play solo survivor. I’ve had entitled survivors expect me to trade after my 10+ matches in a row of dying, so no I wont trade for my team, even if they are a swf.

  9. this is exactly what happened to me today and it was really frustrating because I didn't know what to do to counter this. It's really demotivating when things like this happen

  10. yeah, i still love to watch your vids abt it but i had to quit at like 400 hours cuz the frustration and toxicity of survivors just made me furious almost every single play session

  11. Thank you for talking about this, as well as demonstrating all the things so nicely.
    I have a friend who only just started and she is so overwhelmed by the amount of killers, killer powers, perks, and all these techs… Let alone the matchmaking. I watched her stream some games when she was playing solo, and I can tell she is getting really experienced killers. It must be so overwhelming to be new to this game in current times. 🙁

  12. You know what Infurirsting to me about DBD? I have NEVER used Second Wind, everytime I have it on I never get the chance to heal my teamates EVER but after getting Stage 2, tunneled, camped or just not being able to go out to heal my teamates. I literally have never seen it work once from all this time that I have gotren the DLC. Ive made all kinds of build and It has never worked… idk what to do anymore. Literally today I loss after loss after loss (except that random Hag thar got looped for 5 gens with no perks but a single brown add on)and not a single game won while using Second Wind.

  13. What a sick joke of a game. Pathetic gameplay. Honestly playing survivor is cringe easy with couple of perks and team. I liked the game but obviously I stopped playing long time ago since I played solo as killer and honestly is kinda unplayable when finding this kind of lobbies

  14. i had like 3 or 4 games like this, i have like 200 or 300 hours in the game and i really wanted to unistall, now i'm not playing anymore and i will play only if some friends play because in this game, as a killer, you can't win without tunneling, camping and sluging, and even if you do the survivors have a lot of tools to fuck with you, also, i didn't had any kill in those games and i felt useless, so not touching the game again if i'm playing alone

  15. whenever I feel down or discomforted about my performance in this game, listening to Otz always puts things in their right place
    I also think that this level of tryharding and exploiting at all costs from certain survs (mostly group of survs) is the main reason why killers then feel compelled to tunnel someone out from the start or making nasty plays and unfun builds; maybe it's time for Behaviour to find some solution to how much unfair and stressing are matches vs swf

  16. I couldn't even watch this all the way through. Games like this happen to me like 75% of the time and it is very disheartening. Might be time for me to hang up the hat on DBD but I always come back. I don't have 900 hours but I've played on and off since release and I just can't take it with these weird swfs that insist on making my few games a night after work as miserable as possible.

  17. This why i rarely play killer. I have over 2000 hours in the game and just main survivor. Anytime i get the courage to play killer i just get stomped by 4 expert survivors and leave the game feeling bullied and embarrassed. On the other hand when i main survivor i dont use flashlight or grenades because im terrible with them lol. I just have builds made to get gens done faster because i dont want to give want killers to go through what i go through when i play killer.

  18. Can confirm, stuff like this is why I'm never able to stick with DBD as a game. I really like the asymmetrical format, but playing killer is just intensely frustrating when every mistake you make can cost you the game, but every mistake the survivors make gets a second, third, or fourth chance to save it. That would be tilting enough in a 1v1 game – in a 1v4 game like DBD it's just frankly unplayable.

  19. As a pig player it hurts. You get matches like these and then you go and tunnel someone just to win because you’re fed up with the BS. Happened to me and the poor guy was tunneled 4 times previously. This game makes us monsters

  20. I never enjoy slugging or tunneling cus I find it boring and I know how painful it can be for the survivors. But some times there’s almost no choice and I don’t think there’s a way around it.

  21. "I'm not mad" – proceeds to soft whine the entire match

    For what it's worth though, outside of the whining, this was an awesome video. The techs and tricks used (and failed) with an explanation was amazing. As always your videos are informative and very well made.

  22. So are we as a community going to accept that Flashbang and Background Player need adjustments? Or are they still "ha ha silly little meme" perks that are fine because "you'd rather survivors be going for blinds than doing gens."

  23. I am going to be honest I have about 600 hours and feel this in every match and even when I run a build like pain res and grim still get slammed I have no idea if I am just that bad but its making me not really like the game as much and I am even considering quitting. Any tips I can get?


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