Map Offerings Need To Go | Dead By Daylight Discussion Video

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18 thoughts on “Map Offerings Need To Go | Dead By Daylight Discussion Video”

  1. I know this has nothing to do with the video but the logo of your channel kinda looks like Trapper's mask with rainbow flames behind it, especially because it appears on the screen very small.

  2. Hot take….I HATE ALL THE PRESCHOOL MAPS even more then rpd, or the game or the farm on killer. Ether survivor or killer i just feel so much disappointment whenever it shows up. Hell i like RPD

  3. I've never used maps offerings unless achievments or some builds that needed specific map. But lately i've been playing with a friend and i kid you not we got springwood,rpd,dead dog, swamp for 3h. My coldwind offering supply got slightly depleted

  4. I think that map offerings and the way they sinergize with survivor items and killer add ons are one of the things that fuel toxicity the most. Because they basically give you the ability to try and engineer how a match will play out from the beginning. Toxicity and frustration are often caused by something not playing out the way you wanted it to go, so the more one can try to influence the game outcome before the game even starts the more frustrated they'll become when that isn't the case. So that's why I think map offerings are one of the worst things because of that, because they can easily be abused by swfs and because more than half of the maps are completely terrible lol.

  5. If youre on console you can dashboard out of the game while its loading if you get an offering and you get no penalties. Its been awhile so idk if its patched but if you ever get desperate to not play on Garden of Suicidal Thoughts, give it a shot.

  6. Personally i think Map Offerings should reduce the chances of going to a specific Map instead of increasing it.

    That way you can just avoid Maps that are bad for the Killer you're playing and the Maps you don't like as a Survivor.

    That would already massively decrease their strenght and keep some of the randomness.

    But that would basically make the Sacrificial Ward Useless.

    But who cares. I barely have any of those anyway. Meanwhile i got over 30 Memento Moris.

  7. i havent rlly thought about map offerings that way. me personally idc if surv brings a map offering bc why would i. okay, survior abuses god loops, pallet stuns, so what? imma just either camp them on hook or learn ways how to mind game them out of it. in the end its them being toxic and u returning the favor. ik not everybody has this mentality, i dont judge, i dont blame. if its just me, great i have the right for my own opinion (saying this bc i can kinda smell randoms finna attack me in the comments). it doesnt matter if the surv comes with a map offering or na, the game still gives u a random map. like it or na, the map may still be the one u least like and u have to deal w it. a killer should learn how to play in every map, not just certain. ik that some maps are worse for some killers but you just have to deal w it and just play and try and learn ways how to get hooks on that map that ur least good at. it might make u rage, quit, angry wtv but in the end u cant just skip the game/map. ik i sound like a ´´survivor main´´ but im ac growing to be a killer main and i get maps too that i dont like but i still gotta learn how to get Ks in them.


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