March 2024 Dev Update | Dead By Daylight News

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40 thoughts on “March 2024 Dev Update | Dead By Daylight News”

  1. Boo Mangled. Wondering whether Hemorrhage will have the timer as it did in PTB. I don't really like the Invocation change because the counterplays aren't fun for me, but I know that was highly requested. We'll see!

  2. The strength in shadows buff is crazy to me. I was convinced they'd nerf this perk. A slightly slower than medkit speed infinite self heals needs more of a downside than going to basement. Now a slightly faster than medkit heal? That you can combo with botany knowledge? That shit is going to be busted. With 2 perks you can now heal 1 second faster than OLD medkits, infinitely. I'm gonna rock SIS, bite the bullet, lucky break, and distortion and just disappear to the basement to heal up after being hit.

  3. Invocation is trash at 10 seconds… So it being weak at 15 seconds and the killer could undo the progression and being broken… But now you stay broken but the killer can't undo the progression but… It's only 10 seconds… 15 seconds for the amount of time would be balanced.

  4. Tbh I think that perk that gives you free unhook in the basement can be somewhat usefull in case when you know you gonna get downed soon, so you run to the shack to get hooked in the basement, killer hooks you there, free unhook, and with second wind you are full health

  5. As a wraith main I'm ok with the mangeled nerf. However I am eager to see your full opinion on it in a future video. Maybe you can change my mind. As there is always a chance im just being a biased survivor main.

    Secondary note I think instead of wicked working with only the basement it should also work with scourge hooks. Let me know what you think.

  6. Everything else about this Update is good so far, but the Mangled Change and Hatchet Wind up on Huntress? That needed to be reverted. I enjoy running Fragile Wheeze on Nurse, it's been a great slowdown add-on and this nerf effectively kills it for me.

  7. I don't know whh BHVR likes to touch things that no one, absolutely no one, has issues with (Huntress and Mangled). I've never heard anyone complain about either of those.

    I'm glad that they're listening to the people and reverting certain actions but… I would really love it if they focused on other matters, older matters, that need attention in the game.

    That being said, I am really excited for this new release.

  8. 2:23. Just a quick repost from your last video if you missed it!

    Hello. Broccolite here to defend Ghostface and Unknown for their 'bad game design' power counters. If you wanna just read my tidbit on the Unknown alone, scroll down to the last four paragraphs. I recommend reading this with Text-To-Speech or something.

    First of all, your weakest argument has to be the comparison to every other killer with unique status effects. I'll first say that those killers, and some I'll mention myself, have completely different power economies that are very fitting for their powers.

    Nemesis: Nemesis has to get within melee range of you to inflict infection. His infection economy is so important as an item interaction BECAUSE he can't look across an entire tile and shoot a tentacle at you with the chance to down you, unlike UVX. The pace of this melee chase is enough to vouch for an item cleanse.

    Plague: This one's really easy. Plague physically cannot down you with her vile purge, unlike UVX. It makes complete sense why it requires a killer object interaction. The only risk of not cleansing, therefore giving her corrupt purge, is being constantly 'exposed' so to speak, rendering her as an M1 killer with anti-stealth and allowing her ONE opportunity (without add-ons) to snowball against the survivor's decision not to cleanse. Fantastic design.

    Singularity: So why can't this guy get stared at and countered? Easy. The pace of the chase is purely determined by the EMP (and teammates' EMPs in SWFs). Why is it justified? Because he uses a spawnable 3rd party camera to inflict this slipstream upon you, unlike UVX. One EMP can singlehandedly teardown and entire cluster of tiles. Sure Singularity can replace them, but in doing so he gives the survivor distance and opportunistically allows them to find cover (unless you're in a deadzone or shit loop, but against any killer deadzones and shit loops are bad).

    Sadako: She has an entire designated economy based around your proximity to TVs, even if you aren't directly teleported to. Countering this flow of gameplay, easily enough, is just removing the tape from the TV to turn if off near your gen. It's preemptive counterplay, unlike UVX. Now that survivors can see TVs' auras in a 16 meter radius (the radius at which it affects you) there's no reason not to. Is this fun to go against? Not the question here. Point is, staring is unnecessary.

    So those four are instance of good status design. Honorable mentions include Doctor, whose Madness doesn't actually affect the mechanics of chase in any way. Cleansing tier 3 madness SHOULD be a 'stand still and do skillchecks' mechanic because of this. The Pacified effect is mostly fair because it brings 50/50s which are the heart and soul of 'reading' your opponent with intuition based on how experienced they are, and the whole aspect of reverse psychology, etc. Pig and Clown are pretty obvious status-effect-wise.

    So why do I think it's okay for Ghostface and Unknown to be stared at? Well, we can start with lore and thematics.

    Without going too deep, we understand that Ghostface is, in one word, a stalker. What should you do against stalkers? Catch them in the act! Being aware that you're being watched allows you to conceal information and cease vulnerability. Makes enough sense, considering Ghostface is trying to devise exactly how he can stab in you such a way that your weakness is 'exposed.'

    I agree that it feels bad to feel countered by being looked at, but it does make sense. A Ghostface can always make the conscious decision to roll up on you and M1 you anyway without even attempting to stalk. This makes looking at him all the more important, because if he truly wants the one-hit-down, he'll need to strategically position himself in a way where you cannot see him stalking you. Even pro players understand that you should always heal against undetectable killers because it's easy to lose them, and an injured survivor doing a gen is just as bad as a healthy but exposed. All the more reason to heal up and make Ghostface fight for that one-hit down.

    How I would fix Ghostface is I'd give him two Night Shroud charges that replenish independently so that he can tank the first reveal, then reposition with his second charge to catch the same survivor off-guard or further expose them. This would obviously come with a lot of add-on tweaks and changes to stalk speeds, but that's my 2 cents.

    NOW FOR THE UNKNOWN. Quick lore tid-bit, and, if you'll allow me to tap into my inner Kaiser Da Gaemer, here's some information: What the fuck are you supposed to do when something is literally 'unknown' and trying to kill you? You look at it and find out! Clarity and information in a nightmare that's constantly trying to take it from you is IMPERATIVE. It's the same logic you'd apply to a stalker, only this time it's against some weird cryptid thing (I don't know what it is, ironic but figured). Personally, I think it's stupid NOT to understand the word play, ESPECIALLY when the perk names are LITERALLY SHOVING IT DOWN YOUR THROAT.

    Now we need to understand some things. 1. Unknown is a ranged killer who is 115%. Just like Trickster, his status effect is INTENSIVE. It needs to be removed THE MOMENT it is applied, or it will cost you an entire health state and a potential down from across multiple tiles. 2. Unlike Trickster, who applies a naturally dissipating status effect, he can apply this status effect and damage/down you without EVEN LOOKING AT YOU. Key words, 'WITHOUT LOOKING AT YOU.' Remember them! 3. The status effect requires you to HAVE LINE OF SIGHT. Remember those words too. 'REQUIRES LINE OF SIGHT.'

    So… Wouldn't it be fucking awesome to piece the two phrases together and acknowledge why this gameplay is DYNAMIC?! Unless we believe 'dynamic' gameplay is BAD GAME DESIGN. It would take a monolithic MORON to overlook such integral details that would imply otherwise! In case you've read this far and you STILL don't get it, it is your job as the Unknown player to conceal yourself behind line of sight blockers in order to keep your Weakened status effect chugging along as you manage your UVX cooldown economy without giving the survivor distance or mind gaming yourself. DYNAMIC. READ IT AND WEEP. BHVR SCORED A WIN WITH THIS KILLER. ADMIT IT.

    Back to my true Broccolite self… I'd love to see what you guys think about this! Are there details I'm missing? Is my frustrated warranted or not? Argue with me and we can find out together!

  9. mangled already barely does anything if survivors bring any healing perks.botqny is 50% we'll make it is 100% what is -20% doing? literally nothing. sloppy is the only consistent healing slowdown perk. coul is based on where you are which you cant always control if you have to go for someone, dying light is dogwater and cant even get stacks off obsession or effect the obsession AND BUFFS THE SURVIVOR lollll. leverage is so mid it hurts. you slug someone, then hopefully get another down on someone and hook them to slow down them healing by such a small amount. and stacking all this shit, still countered by healing perks lmao. absolute brainlet decision.

  10. It’s insane how huntress an already A tier killer got purely buffed but Pig a D tier killer gets nerfed with her buffs it makes no sense especially since the bear traps need to be threatening to slow down the survivors if they aren’t scared of being killed by it then they’ll just do gens and take the trap off later. The invocation change sounds good I still think 2+ minutes in basement isn’t worth it at all because you could just do gens instead and get more progress towards escaping but it could become a niche counterplay to corrupt intervention. Finally I agree that nerfing mangled is one of the worst things they can do mangled is the only consistent anti heal effect we have (I know haemorrhage does anti heal too but it doesn’t slow down the heal only regresses it and broken hasn’t got many perks/ powers that apply it) and nerfing it will nerf some killers that need that anti heal and in general like what was said where killer will just replace mangled with another slowdown perk

  11. Wicked is a cool idea but it’s one of those perks that needs a decent second effect to be worth considering. Like give it the effect to maybe “increase the killers wipe off time when they hit you with a basic attack by 3 seconds while you have endurance from being unhooked” or maybe “when hooked in second stage In the basement your sacrifice timer is increased by 20 seconds” that’s how you balance niche/difficult to get value perks, give them something that you can see using more often in a match.

  12. I’m gonna be real, Wicked does sound a lot better. Yeah, the self unhook in basement only is meh, I’ll agree there, but you missed that detail that was stated where the 20 second killer aura reveal happens on EVERY hook, not just basement. In solo queue, this sounds really nice since you get wallhacks on them for 20 full seconds, which is a long time in comparison to something like Kindred (if theyre not camping) or Alert.

  13. While I agree that the Blindness, (the effect that removes auras), status effect is boring. I am all for BVHR adding more stuff like the actual flashlight Blindness effect, like Two Can Play Hex. Maybe it should get a different name like, "retina surgery".

  14. How did you just completly ignore the part of wicked that lets you see the killer for 20 seconds, no matter where ur hooked? Or if you saw it, i rly cannot explain how this is supposed to borderline useless

  15. About the reverse beartrap change i really didnt care that much about hearing about it getting nerfed tbh i just kinda was like its fine tbh huntress changes the movement speed imo was the only change that had any possibility to be problematic you could argue that the wind up speed as well but imo its fine and the number of hatches being carried is literally a good change idk how people are complaining about that when it legit makes her less map dependent and lessens the struggle of having to reload so often but just my take on it

  16. I find Blindness is only really good if you're using something like third seal against solo ques on a large map like rpd cuz it hides the auras of hooked survivors.

  17. nerfing mangled shows there is nothing other left for killers to be nerfed. Pop, ruin, eruption, call of brine, overcharge, pain resonance…

    And building counters INTO killer mechanics is a new trend anyway, singularity with EMPS and Alien with freaking flamethrowers. And now another ghostface bs. BHVR has no clue, as always.

  18. Pigs who try to force head pops are one of the most unfun and frustrating playstyles to play against in the entire game. It's everything annoying about being tunneled except even if you win the chase you still might die. Reshifting power into her dash and stealth is the correct decision. I'm okay with them reverting the time nerf but I'm glad they kept the removal of the jigsaw box aura.

    Sorry but I really do think that your take on killers with unique methods of killing survivors is bad. It hasn't ever played out well. It's annoying on Sadako and ruined the character for over a year, it's still annoying on Pyramid Head and Myers, and it's annoying on Pig.

  19. Calling wicked useless is wild, even if you never got hooked in basement you get 20 seconds of aura reading on the killer which 20 seconds of wall hacks is nothing to sneeze at. Then if you get hooked in basement it’s a free deli so none of your teammates have to worry about risking it in basement and as for the killer coming to get you after the unhook in basement, there’s a cute perk called off the record. Just my thoughts tho.


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