Mathieu Cote on the Stranger Things DBD-Status – Dead by Daylight

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Mathieu Cote talked about Stranger Things and Dead by Daylight in a recent interview. This overviews the interview and analyzes Cote’s response to the question.

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31 thoughts on “Mathieu Cote on the Stranger Things DBD-Status – Dead by Daylight”

  1. If there was ever a time to petition something its now and petition to Netflix about giving back the IP for stranger things. We must assure them that no one cares for a crappy second rate VR Stranger Things game. Like there should literally be no reason they shouldn't allow the IP to come back.

  2. I got dissapointet after they removed @Samination as Fog whisperer. And didn't explain. TOO BAD BHVR even STOLE his content without asking.

  3. Netflix is a horrible company. It’s a bunch of boomers at the top that don’t know anything about games… it’s them who are so unconnected with the general public opinion and what people want. We know the Duffer Bros want Stranger Things back in DBD but Netflix has ultimate say. These Netflix CEOs are destroying the company and they’re unaware or don’t care

  4. Dude it’s crazy how Netflix built themselves to be the biggest company in their field and then started making a lot of stupid decisions and have actually fallen from the thrown and stuff like this proves they really don’t know what is in their own best interest

  5. I feel like bEhavior has really been making a come back and we are seeing a company that really cares for their game and community, especially with their anniversary broadcast. ❤

  6. At one point, Netflix was looking to hire a head for their aviation department and my Dad ended up being considered.

    Netflix’s culture is exceptionally harsh with tons of encouraged questioning and an emphasis on you only being valuable as long as you are contributing. My Dad’s likes a challenge, so he went for it.

    He got far enough into the process where he was doing face to face interviews for multiple hours which was wear a ton of equality and diversity questions came in. My Dad’s been working in SoCal and with these sorts of people for decades, so he knew how to answer these. He and my mom even started looking at houses to buy in the area.

    In the end, he got passed up at the very end for somebody who had maybe a third of the experience (and success) my Dad has had…because he was Black.

    Netflix deserves all the ridicule they get. When your ironically prejudicial ideology controls more than what your own customers want, you do dumb things like pulling an excellent, money-making, license from a game that would still be making you money! -_-

  7. Netflix just sucks overall- they add movies nobody watches and horrible movies all together and removes the good and classic movies, and along with them being dicks and purposefully pulling the license from the game, for no definitive reason other than they wanted to make a game based off of the tv show when the game they created or are creating is most definitely going to be horrible.

  8. I get to stranger things from Dbd otherwise I would never watch that show so thats so shame, in my opinion netflix thinks that they didnt had any benefit of this colaboration, netflix have big ego I think…

  9. I feel really bad for the Dev team lots of work was done to get the newest big thing that pretty much brought the horror sci fi genre back into mainstream media only for it to be taken away without their choice

  10. I bought DBD, but never really played it until stranger things chapter (cause my interest peaked) .

    Got me into the game and now I have a YouTube for it lol

    Would like to see stranger things come back!

  11. Is it possible as a community we can start tagging Netflix and maybe if enough of us do they'll see just how many of us want it back. I want the demo so much!


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