MERCILESS STORM VALUE BABY! | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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We use the new perk merciless storm on a build with doctor, this gives the survivors a series of difficult skillchecks (similar to yellow glyphs) when a gen reaches 90% progress, and if one is failed then the gen gets blocked for 20 seconds. Doctor makes this even more crazy cause it gets affected by his power.

Thumbnail render made by Ev3ntic! Check her out here​​​

Check out Skermz, he’s a cool dude –

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28 thoughts on “MERCILESS STORM VALUE BABY! | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. Merc. Storm + tinkerer with Freddy is a great combo bc you can fake a project a little bit after tinkerer activates and basically force the gen to get blocked
    Credit – my buddy during a custom game

  2. I tried that build but instead of corrupt I used pain. I call it the merciless Brop (pronounced brahp) build and its kinda cheeks tbh, not outright terrible but high MMR survivors don't miss skill checks so 🤷🏾‍♂️.

    I've found you can drop call of brine for better perks and it's still meme-y but slightly better.

    I like

    No way out/Corrupt

  3. I went against Sadako for the 2nd time yesterday and she had Merciless Storm and I forgot that this was a perk for a second and I panicked and blew up the gen lmao and I was like I- I have a lot of hours in this game but no matter what, if I know I need to hit continuous skill checks or it gets blocked I’ll panic and miss them lmao. It feels so bad when you miss the last one too

  4. Making them do the gen slower would also make them have to do more skillchecks which might mean more value. For example they reach 90% but they are doing the gen 30% slower because of pentimento and 16% slower because of thanatophobia, might give them an extra 8 or so extra skillchecks during that 90% to 100% progress

  5. I feel like if you just get close enough to swing without lunging you could catch a lot of people off guard by swinging almost immediately instead of trying to wait out dead hard but I guess its a survivor by survivor basis on when they like to dead hard

  6. 15 minute mark, it is really sad that the meta of the game is this way… In order to get wins as killer at high MMR, you have to run meta killers, perks, and half the time you are forced to play like a jerk. It's just depressing and it's what sometimes drives me away from this game.


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