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Michael Myers Just Got STRONGER.. – Dead by Daylight
Today play michael myers at halloween in dead by daylight! The new halloween event update to dbd. Funny moments and meme fail.
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otzdarva, no0b3
Myers is Scary at Halloween..
….You ever try using the blight serum with infinite Tier 3?
13:09 he got saved on hook only to get insta morried….damn feelsbad to be dwight lol
9:00 that edited scream 😂
My fav dbd player no debate and dbd youtuber
What perks is he using ply with food ? The cenobite one which which stops most progressed gens and tinkerer. What’s the last one
How do you get the Myers achievement to kill all 4 survivors if the last guy hides in a locker? I can’t close hatch bc of end game collapse and I can’t mori the person out of a locker so what am I supposed to do???
i hope that they released more MM skins , i want the 2018 halloween and the 2021 halloween kill mask 🙂
What a weird locker do die on Yui, but at least you'll die in it
This build shouldn't be in the game. It's so boring to play against for the survivors. It breaks so many rules of the game 🙁
Anyone agree the new dbd event should’ve been about Myers despite his last movie just came out
love your vid
You always need yellow mori to finish last one even if he hides in the lockers
I just ran tombstone combo and it didn't work. Is there a bug I don't know about. I managed to get all tiered up with a sick 3 gen and all I could do was down survivors with no insta kill.
Stealth killers are the downfall of DBD that’s why it isn’t growing anymore
How fanny sabo squad 2 alive ?
maybe in game he got stronger but in the new movie Halloween ends he got nerfed to the ground like he was inhuman in the first few movies getting shot in both of his eyes falling from 6 floor building being injected by every poisoned lethal injection getting then gang bang by the policies like there was no tomorrow ,getting snipe in the neck and yet survived then being beaten up by random people just to kill them all and in the end he got his ass whooped by a nerd that doesn't know how to fight and got beaten up by 5 bullies lmaoo halloween end sucked
That is one nasty build. Good stuff.
the person at 9:00 100% had their soul leave their body
6:08 and this is why people just can't get the "Evil Incarnate" achievement in these days. They'd rather be AFK for 50 minutes in a locker (or just DC) than let you kill them, even if they're the last survivor in the match and there's nothing they can do for win.
Michael Myers Song good when It's level 2 or 3
To be fair, I hate this build, it's super boring for survivors and very much op once you get the infinite tier 3 so I do hop in lockers, I do not want to give iri myers the satisfaction. It's a build so I'm no mad aboout it but if i do know it i do that cause im not gonna make it easy when survivors are not likely getting points out of the game.
When using those add-ons I find it hard to get to T3…Cos anytime I'm stalking they are gen rushing and I lose my cool
I’m about 125% speed!
Walter White has entered the chat
9:05 wtf was that squeal? 😂😂 nice games bud!
This was the exact same build that D3ad played a year ago that got me into DBD, and even though I’ve left the game and distanced myself from much of the community, I still find him a safe haven. Cheers to you, D3ad, for making even ex-players “hooked” on your content!
I tried this build tonight. Caught the Flashlight Feng at 3 gens and killed her. The two Kates refused to come off gens so I let them bleed out.
Rip the sabo dweet he risked it all fiending for that yui
Hey Dead, maybe show builds of survivors at the end of a match for like half a second?
Love you hoho
Lmfao no wonder bodies were just popping up. ZARINA MOVE GIRLLLLL
no offense, but I wonder what kinda accent that you are carrying?😂
The discussions around the MMR are a joke. There is NO MMR in this game due to the fact that it only kicks in for the first 2 min of waiting. Most of the time you wait way more than 2 minutes so you get put into the general pool and get to face all MMR brackets. The MMR discusion is a red herring by those who claim that MMR works. It does not.
ngl.. i hate playing against those myers addons, feels super unfair.
This build is so noobi
Aah shit here we go again😂😂
whats the title of the background music?
The beginning voice justified the virgin in this video lol how so quick??
The Quentin saving the Dwight just to get him mori’ed got me