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Myers has some new perks in Dead by Daylight!
Michael Myers Keeps Getting Stronger in DBD! The new update to dead by daylight. Funny moments and meme fail.
D3AD Plays
Stream Everyday 5pm EST.
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Everything is easy for him 😭
Wait a minute
Almost a quarter million subs?
I guess we can say:
So guys, we did it…
Michael is severely underrated I think PWYF needs a buff
Canon Michael Myers be like
Amazing build. Keep on getting better the videos doo
See you later 😂
Just seen Spooky did this idea yesterday lol
14:43 😂
Lmao!!!! 😂😂not Gabe Plotting to avoid insta death !!!!
I gues we all see the Problem here. Lets debuff pPg next patch
Lmaoo the gabriel that used plot twist to not get hit 😭
And some people try to day being a killer is harder 😂😂 do me a favour!! Killers are definitely op
what editing program do u use to edit?
Cheater first game? There was no reason for her to scream
I will never understand the people who stay in a Myers field of view to camp a pallet and down crouch
I would bring no where to hide instead of discordance because trail of torment works as a pseudo discordance
It’s called plot twister for a reason
This game is wayyy too easy for killers
2:22 I wonder where did that Ada hide in the first match. It looked very strange. (Great video as always!!)
Myers S tier I’m telling you right now !!!!!!
I don't get it why Survivors so mean at the end. Like he would have died anyway. What if D3AD would be a Myers that tried his Achievement. Just give it to the person they deserved it already by 3 Kills.
I was "lucky" and got the Achievement first try. Thanks to the last Surv that came out of Locker. He was a Chad. Everyone should be like that guy.
D3AD! Do you use any in game filters?
The only YouTuber I get excited to watch love your content brother please never stop uploading my man
Love the content
I knew Play With Your Food would go great with Coup. It's great seeing it in action.
this build is pure art
One of the best things with my birthday when I’m at work is Dead uploading😹
Every time I use those perks, I don't hit tier 3 until the 5 gets are done.
bro keep up the good content i love it you earned a sub bro
I swear there are zero dbd content creators that can pronounce coup de grace properly. 😂🤣
That plot twist was legendary
If only Freddy could get stronger
Did they change the killer icons in the menu?
Lore accurate Myers build
you're my favourite killer main. I would love to see you play against a top team for a few games. Would you consider doing it and making a video?
coo de grice LOl
Good match and gameplay
Dead I have seen a killer who uses a trickster with the red disk and the purple blades
But he never recharges just with the main event
Could be interesting to see how you manage that kind of style
Take care!!
Do you play competitive dbd ?
Love you D3ad! Thanks for the fun!
“This is my morí I deserve it”
What have you become, dead…😨
bruh the lunge at 3:20 wtfff lmao
No matter how many good perks you have with a survivor it won't matter with a trash team. I usually get stuck with.
Early enough, love the content and the accent..(to me from the states)
03:15 – 😂 Just lay down and take this work.
Got a disgusting Cannibal build you got to try, D3AD!!! Trail of Torment, Hex: Plaything, Fearmonger, & Thrilling Tremors. Overall, the fact that Fearmonger leaves survivors on gens unaware that Trail of Torment is active makes the build so broken.
I think that Kate went down 3 times in front of the same pallet 😝
Yo D3ad
Try bring tombstone with a mori so that you can say F to lockers
Just try it and see how many people rage quit