Mid-Chapter Patch Notes, Cosmetic Leaks, First Gay Character & More! – Dead by Daylight

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Mid-Chapter Patch Notes, Cosmetic Leaks, First Gay Character & More! – Dead by Daylight
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Today we have a ton of news surrounding DBD, everything from the game’s newest update with patch notes, to the first officially gay character in the game and even some juicy cosmetic leaks!

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Music Used:
Dead by Daylight Metal Cover – Thunder Scott – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWXmw9x473I
“Tainted (Instrumental Version)” by Red Revision

#IntoTheFog #dbd #dbdleaks


30 thoughts on “Mid-Chapter Patch Notes, Cosmetic Leaks, First Gay Character & More! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. am i the only one whose barbecue and chili isnt giving them bloodpoints? like normally i get 60k from it and now since the update im not getting any bonus.

  2. As a Bi man ima just say…I’ve never understood the want for sexual representation in DBD. I don’t care if my survivor is straight, bi, gay, ace etc, because it doesn’t matter. My characters sexual choice doesn’t make me feel represented because sex doesn’t matter in dbd. Personally I would prefer them adding actual representation like a Native American survivor, hurry up with the Indian survivor (can’t remember her name I think it’s Hadi), or some of the many MANY other nationalities that haven’t been shown in the game. Those matter more because it impacts people’s perspectives as it’s something you see both in the Lobby, in the lore, and in the game. So all that being said, I never cared about the whole “inclusivity” for the LGBT+ community being in the game and I still do not care. Maybe that’s just because I’ve never been a guy who felt a want or need for representation. So that is just my take.

    If the update on David makes you happy, then I’m happy for you. But I personally am indifferent beyond it just making others happy.

  3. As a gay guy ,,, I have to agree. I was really hoping they would just make a whole new character that was always intended to be gay instead of choosing one of their old ones and basically saying: "We’re too lazy to make lore for someone new so we picked a popular character so you love us more and we become relevant again." ( don’t get me wrong, David coming out is still awesome but it’s just the idea that x character was always intended to be gay is just heartwarming ).
    Like when I heard about the potential demon killer leak ( which is pretty much debunked now ), and how the chapter could be a Catholic/Christian kind of chapter , I was REALLY hoping we’d be getting a gay character with that because there isn’t a lot of gay characters when horror is based around a religion ( for obvious reasons, they don’t have the best reputations with each other but as someone who is Catholic AND gay, it would be nice to have a bridge between my two worlds ).

  4. Behaviour as ALWAYS being very unprofessional and LAZY to just name David King to be gay! lmao!!! They should've created a new gay character instead. Disappointing!!

  5. As a member of that community, gay David feels like nothing but a corporate decision. I like that they chose a man that's not feminine, that's what most gays are, but there are problems…

    They don't have to risk that homophobes won't buy their chapter and hurt their sales, they can wrap him up in Pride flags and sell diversity because there's plenty of David mains and they clearly chose gay instead of bi because it just sounds better to general public. If they cared for representation, they would choose the B in LGBT for David or crafted a whole new, complex character. The B wouldn't erase his previous lore and would represent the underrepresented part of LGBT. They chose what sells. They're a corp. People who say there's no such thing as "bad representation" must be really blind. We're talking about a company that celebrated earth day and released an NFT a month after. It's just gay baiting.

  6. Not sure what to think of the whole David King thing. I mean, it's nice to be open to inclusion and all, but it surely would have been the better choice to create an entire new character for this.
    Aside from that, super excited about the recent changes. Especially the Legion buff is awesome. I do enjoy their playstyle a lot and now it will be even more fun than before 😀

  7. Unless a character has been outright stated to be straight, then it doesn't really make any sense to just assume they would be. Yet, I think people do, and that's why some have such strong reactions to David. For most characters of DBD, the reality is we have no idea what their sexual orientation is. And why would we? For the most part, it is completely irrelevant. I don't think it's weird to show a character as queer in the lore any more than it would be to show them as straight.

  8. honestly I recall DbD mentioning Jake or Jonah being like being the first gay survivor, I could be wrong but thats what I remember, but if thats the case, then I am very happy for David, and I love this new charm UwU

  9. Who really cares if a character is gay, why does it even matter, its a dang game. I think its trivial, unnecessary, and has some type of motive besides (support) behind it.

  10. They should've made a new character instead of just labeling an already existing one as gay. (plus theyll have to change David's lore for it to even make sense) I'm sure the community wouldve appreciated that SO much more.


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