MMR IS BACK ON? – Dead by Daylight!

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29 thoughts on “MMR IS BACK ON? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. For those whoa re asking, mmr is skilled based matchmaking. Your mmr is determined based on ur lose to win ratio. More wins overall than loses means you have high mmr, more overall loses than wins means you have low mmr.

  2. Not gonna lie, I'm glad mmr is back on so when we see survivors clowning on killers at higher levels of play the devs can't ignore it anymore cause there won't be potatoes at the high mmr.
    As long as mmr is functional, competent player against other competent players means showing all the bullshit.

  3. I mean, fixing mmr would be nice and all when I'm playing survivor.. But playing killer against the same 3 perks is gonna get aggravating.. I wanna have fun, not sweat.

  4. Jeez, nice draw.. this is why I find it so hard to want to play considering I main killer. Survivor is so much easier to the point it's not fun, and killer is just a constant sweat fest leading up to a toxic survivor tea bagging over the hatch saying gg ez when they only made it out because of a broken mechanic.. games broken and the devs are ignorant and blind.

  5. I'm personally not a fan of MMR, I'm a new player like started only a few months ago but am already Rank 2 killer, but I cant compete against people with High mmr who have spent thousands of hours into the game when I can barely get 2 a day. MMR is not made for killers its made for Survs, so many times I get cocky survivors and I know that i don't possess the knowledge or skill to compete so I literally get bullied in game. It's not fun to play killer, and people still complain why surv que times are longer, its because no one likes to get abused by 4 other people who don't fear anything.

  6. I still can't get over that. The Devs were like, "Let's nerf Ruin…..aye fuck it bruh, let's do Pop too."
    Killers: What about gen speed?
    Devs: Here's Undying for ruin……….actually nvm.
    Killers: ….ok well, what about keys?
    Devs: Yeah we got the mori nerf dropping next week!
    Killers: T- the what…

  7. Lol you say you will 3 gen cuz of caliber but this map is bad for killer so id just say cuz its all around a rough one and plague? Yeah i play her not easy but better than clown no doubt

  8. Gg but if it was draw it's a bit your fault, it was really obvious that the last one would be waiting on the hatch since it spawned in the middle of the 3gen and everyone saw it


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