MMR is FINALLY CHANGING in Dead by Daylight!

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BHVR announced the result of their MMR / SBMM Tests, and the proposed changes coming to Dead by Daylight’s matchmaking system soon!

MMR Test Results:

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00:00 – Intro
00:31 – MMR Variables explained
00:56 – Bidirectional Matchmaking Explained
01:48 – Day 1 (March 28th)
02:15 – Day 2 (March 29th)
02:34 – Day 3 (March 30th)
03:13 – Day 4 (March 31st)
03:42 – Day 5 (April 4th)
04:12 – Day 6 (April 7th)
04:30 – Days 7 & 8 (April 11th & 12th)
05:48 – BHVR’s findings
06:08 – What’s going to change?
07:54 – DOWSEY’s thoughts



46 thoughts on “MMR is FINALLY CHANGING in Dead by Daylight!”

  1. As long as the matches are fun, I couldn't give a crap how BHVR gets there. "Fun" is completely subjective, of course, but as far as I'm concerned, the game is fun when there is a reasonable variety in play styles, perk choices and "sweat level". Sometimes you feel like being competitive and sometimes you just feel like chilling and seeing what quirky interactions you can get out of the match. If every match is always meta perks and killers, and every player playing with their butt cheeks clenched, it gets repetitive and boring really quickly. While addressing MMR may help that a bit, I think there's a lot of other work they need to focus on if they want to increase variety in their game. Perk balance is a joke and Killer balance isn't a whole lot better.

  2. My take from this is the devs really do not care and will do the opposite of what the players want.

    You have at the highest mmr people saying day 2 and 4 was the worst because it was tryhard city and boring with the same meta perks and survivor gameplay/killers used and it is due to them making the Maximum range tighter(from there results).

    So what do the devs want to do? Reduce the Maximum range what might kill the game for most people wanting to play because the game as a whole has become sweaty and boring for quite some time now. People outright said day 2 and 4 sucked so they are thinking of using day 2 and 4 moving forward = massive fail.

    The grade based mmr was imo the best day, the wild west of DBD is when it is at its most fun. I can go against Lilith one game and then against a half decent bubba the next, loved it, not a 7 hours sweat fest it was a few chill games and a few tough ones.

    In the end I am super worried about this game. If they really do make the MMR range like day 2 and 4 I feel many high MMR players will just outright quit and it will make content creators really super frustrated.

  3. The 31st was the sweatiest day I've had in DBD in I think ever. Every match was SWF Team 6 acting like they're in a $10,000 tournament (but worse, without the necessary restrictions for fairness). It was miserable, I wound up switching to survivor

  4. The grade based matchmaking days were amazing. I had some hard matches, some easy ones, I got to play meme builds, and we even did some challenges. It was amazing I loved the old ways

  5. MMR is good if you want to balance the matches but god… Lately is just impossible to play huntress (The killer I play the most) all my games I go vs people with 3k+ hours (I dont even have 400) with toolboxes + parts + prove thyself + map offering. It's a sweat fest. I think MMR should be a thing IF they game is balanced around actual "competitive" scenarios and not around casual games which is the case

  6. BHVR answered on forum about the soft cap lowering. It's not about lowering cap from 1900 to 1000 or smth like that. It's more likely 1900 to 1850, so it's not THAT bad as you think. They say it won't affect average players and just let to pair god-like-players with very-good-players.

  7. As a midskill player im not super excited to get destroyed even more than normal with my garbage teams lol. Idk if Im wrong but thats how it sounds. Also I resent the removal of grades because I like to creep on peoples info and thats just something I like to see, when there's big differences in ranks and when everybody is on similar footing is interesting to me.

  8. BHVR devs are always flipping back and froth on their opinions, but I'm glad they have changed their mind and decided to make survivor mmr more team-based.

    The MMR probably thinks I'm literal ass at the game because I do so often trying to help someone else escape.

  9. Can BHVR please hire someone to proof read this shit? Learnings is something a 5-year-old writes in an essay; the word is results. Something that takes a paragraph for them, can be said in 1 line.

  10. I am VERY happy they did all this research to improve their game, it's more than just statistics and surveys, the way they organized feedback and the mechanics they thought were really really good. But on top of all that, regardless of the outcomes, I think they're closer to the players with this attitude, people could participate and not only give random feedbacks once in a while. I hope this makes MMR better but also keeps the devs closer to the community (and avoid cringe moments like that livestream).

  11. Feels weird, but I felt no difference on any day. Like I'm so used to having completely random games, more often sweaty ones but it is what it is. I haven't had much fun in the game in a while now tho so maybe that impacts, that I just don't care at this point.

  12. so they conclude that they had to allow high skill players to plays among themselve and lw and mid skill players who just to wanna enjoy the game…
    their conclusion is…
    make a Matchmaking again for all of them…
    instead of simply making 2 queues… one for ranked MMR and one for "trivial/fun play" not sweaty…
    and allow player to queue to either or both… and then when a match is found inform the player if that match gonna count as a ranked or is just a trivial/casual one with any player found.

    Doing so would give the sweety high competitive ranked queue but would also allow players to simply queue for fun casual match.
    a player not interested in playing with casual players would just queue for ranked… and those not interested in ranked would not queue in those…
    and those who are mature enough to adapt their gameplay would queue in both.

  13. BHVR is the best gaming company they made their game unplayable like 8 to 10 months ago and now they are finally get around to fixing it can we just take a minute to appreciate all the devs SUPER hard work

  14. the amount of cope in this community is the exact reason I've left this game.

    Matchmaking changes 6 years later and it's still broken is unacceptable.

    of course give credit when it's due but are we really going as far to say DBD is finally coming around?

    matchmaking was literally going against new players and stomping them, or getting stomped.

    it's just weird people are kissing BHVRs ass for small bare minimum changes.

    this game is about to be 6 years old and they still have no matchmaking.

    The matchmaking they have is genuinely horrible. I played recently and it was just me getting stomped or stomping everyone.

    I've had alot of people in chat mention their new and have no idea how they got matched up with me and my girlfriend.

    So 6 years later and there's still no matchmaking system that works for this game. THIS is why BHVR continues their bullshit.

    *BHVR makes lazy bare minimum changes

    *Everyone says BHVR is finally listening to the community

    *BHVR sees that praise and thinks their going in the right direction

    *Community gets upset and realizes they over hyped they changes again and the cycle continues

    If we don't focus on the important stuff and telling BHVR the cold hard truth would actually get things done. seeing people leave the game and seeing content creators unhappy will drive them to change, instead of getting hyped up from the community for shit that should have been here day 1.

    This is a 6 year old game that still needs matchmaking….

  15. Those grace based matchmaking days were some of the worst times I’ve ever had in dead by daylight and some of the best. I was getting team mates that spent ten minutes on ONE gen because they had technician and couldn’t hit a skill check, while I run the killer. Then proceed to run around the edge of the map literally in circles until they died of egg. I’d never been so infuriated at some of them. But then some gays I play against a baby Freddy who kept going back and forth between two gens and kicking them, and me snd my gf just kept going back and forth tapping it until eventually completing it while cracking up the whole time 😂 overall, I would not prefer it though

  16. ive said from the beginning mmr should shift based on emblems.
    no emblem, big decrease.
    bronze, small decrease.
    silver, no change.
    gold, small increase.
    iri, big increase.

    add up all increases and decreases to get your mmr change.

    i feel like it would better reflect skill. camping would tank multiple emblems. so would hiding for an escape with no real contribution. meanwhile doing great at multiple aspects but still dying or being short on kills would still be considered skillful.

  17. I do have to say that even tho I think day 7&8 were the best and I think the game should go back to rank based matches, during those matches I stomped multiple 4 man swfs even tho I didn’t bring a single Gen perk so I guess that could be an argument that people don’t want to play someone who can easily win without any meta, but honestly I rather play against someone that good than someone boosted but their perks and add ons

  18. I would honestly not mind a hour long wait time as long as I can get in a game where I actually stand a chance and don’t have to endure 15 minutes of t bagging / or face camping on 5 gens

  19. The April 11th and 12th tests were so funny. I've got a lot of survivors who were so full of themselfs, yet didn't know how to play. After every match they were reading me a paragraph from "survivor rule book". One party even told me i was camping gens! XD


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