Most SATISFYING Thing About Every DBD Killer

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Dead by Daylight killers and what I find the most satisfying about them!

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About Dead by Daylight:
Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4 vs 1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught and killed.

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45 thoughts on “Most SATISFYING Thing About Every DBD Killer”

  1. Oni main here. The most satisfying thing about him for me is his sound design. The whoosh when you get your power, his roar as you activate it, all of it is just so good I love every bit of it.
    And as someone learning Huntress. Yes. Crossmaps.

  2. My favorite thing about skull merchant has always been her little tracking radar. pulling it up and checking where tracked survivors are then comparing it to what i actually see has always been really satisfying for me. really wish they'd rework her a bit more so tracking felt like the focus and not just putting cameras down for claw trap plays

  3. For the Artist for me is getting a stagger bird (putting two birds in a way the first one swarms the survivor and the second one gets the hit after the i-frames)
    And for the Unknown is gotta be pretending to be the clone with insidious while being on top of a clone so survivors come to dispell you and you hit them instantly

  4. For Skull Merchant it has to be having a normal game, where nobody leaves, dcs, gives up on hook immediately and when they get a gg wp in the post game chat. Probably the rarest occurrences in DBD.

  5. For Skull merchant the funnest parts are either getting a double tap when you looktech a survivor with drones, or otherwise yeah stealth grabs can be fun or tracking a survivor and turning the corner to jumpscare them

  6. Skull Merchant: double-hits (with laser and M1) or 2-stack-in-one thing (with ability to change drones' rotation direction)
    Onryo: When you get a curse on someone, their portrait at HUD change to red, and they highlighted with Killer Instinct
    Unknown: when you teleport to someone who dispelling your husk and they scream

    Hag: when you implement some of her non-standard addon and get nice result from it
    Demogorgon: when you get 5 stack of Hex Devour Hope and "eat" all of them with Mori, because he can defend totems with his portals
    Freddy: when you see their aura with Gearhead perk, fake your teleport, they blindlessly run from a gen directly to you and you hit them with M1

    Twins: when you hunt someone (surround them) with both Charlotte and Victor (SO satisfying)
    Clown: when they hide, but you hit someone with Antidote (yellow) tonic because you see their aura with addon
    Pyramid: when they step into barbwire, you then sent them in Cages, and Cages ignore all their anti-tunnel perks)

    Michael: when you 99% your tombstone and then instant-kill some high-prestige survivor who even see you first time in the match
    Trickster; when you use "tricks" when play him – perks like BloodWarden, Rancor, etc, and get benefit from all of it
    Singularity: when you teleport to them from nowhere or from max distance

    Trapper: when you hook 3+ survs at same time on basement hooks

  7. I think the most satisfying thing on Legion is not only just getting that 4 hit down, but getting from extending your power, by spam vaulting a window and waiting for someone to mend to then hit them again. The opportunity is quite rare, but you would be surprised how often it works and getting it feels so rewarding, knowing how confused they were.

  8. I'd have to say the most satisfying part of Wraith is standing next to a gen and as soon as the survivor starts working on it you grab them, especially if it's Coldwind Farm, MacMillans Estate, or Crotus Prenn Asylum as they have those little slots in jungle gyms to hide in

  9. With the singularity I really love it when I'm in an intense chase with somebody and I manage to place a pod at just the right place and I down them because of that.
    Either this, or when I'm chasing someone and in the middle of the chase, teleport to someone on the other end of the map and down them quickly cus they dont expect me to tp to them while im chasing someone else

  10. 10:15 you actually can damage a survivor in a single use of the ability, you just have to place 2 or more crows with a distance between them, aiming at the same point, so for example placing them in the same line but placing one a few meters in front of the second one, so the first one will apply the crows to the survivor and then the following one will damage the survivor; I believe so many players don't know about this only because they tried doing it placing 2 crows in the same place and because of that they work like a single missle because they are connected to each other, and it works the same no matter if they are connected in width or along, they just can't be connected, crows can't touch each other to work as separate missles

  11. I had one Dredge locker grab off the very first power use of the game. There's a brown add-on that highlights locked lockers in yellow, and using that, I noticed a locker turning yellow. Figuring which nearby locker they'd go for next, I jumped to it, and managed to grab them. Extremely satisfying, first down of the game in like 15 seconds.

  12. For nemesis it’s got to be when a survivor vaults a window and you walk past it then moonwalk with tentacle out and hit them through the window bc Nemi is so tall they think your trying to mind game so they run past the window again

  13. I bought the unknown recently and he can be so satisfying, i was on the game and i got a down hitting some1 over a bunch of boxes through a doorway and right in front of them it was so good

  14. Huntress: Pulling off an orbital.
    Unknown: Pretending to be a hallucination with Insidious and getting a jumpscare.
    Skull Merchant: I also don't know, but it's gotta feel good knowing so much all the time.

  15. I recently found out that if Dredge is in a locker and a survivor goes to lock it they get dragged in! and yes i was the survivor in the situation when i found out…

  16. With Spirit it will be mind gaming a survivor by just standing still at a pallet. Watching them walk around and if I'm lucky they slowly crawl over the pallet into me which leads to a grab.

  17. As someone who’s main killer is The Twins, I derive the most enjoyment by corralling survivors to Victor while he is dormant. Chasing a survivor leads to all focus on Charlotte, but then when they pass round a corner/run past a doorway/drop from a storey right into where Victor was ahead of time, I quickly switch to Victor and absolutely mall them with his teeth. It makes me feel like a strategic mastermind, being two people at once. I imagine Charlotte and Victor walking past eachother, high-fiving eachother on the way, all while saying in unison “And that’s how it’s done!”.

  18. Most satisfying thing while playing skulls is when an uninjured survivor that has lock-on goes to another loop in chase with a drone in between, they get injured by the drone and then u immediately m1


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