Most teams would have given up, but these guys… | Dead by Daylight

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Just a quick video featuring two matches that I thought were a great example of what happens when teams don’t just give up, but actually fight their way out of a bad situation.

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41 thoughts on “Most teams would have given up, but these guys… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. As much as I’ve watched Otz play this game, I have a question from something I never understood. Why do killers try to mind game survivors at pallets? Would it not be faster to just keep following until you naturally catch up and they drop pallet?

  2. 11:14 Both Megs had Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringes, and Otz was chasing "Mrs Tilex." Both Megs still had their Med-Kits (we don't see the other Meg clearly for awhile, but to the best of our knowledge, having only Otzs POV), and the other Meg also had We'll Make It. Meg used the insta on Rebecca, and then they both ran/stealthed away, and Rebecca got passively healed in 12s.

  3. As much as youve no doubt heard things like this: I genuinely dont how you keep interested and keep playing this game basically everyday for this long. As someone who just simply tries to play killer and have fun this game is about as fun as dragging your sack across a spike strip. EVERY, SINGLE, TIME, I come back it goes like this: Play some killer for 20-30 games have a decent time in most games, and boom just like that MMR decides fun is no longer allowed and every game from that point on is a sweat fest that is the opposite of fun to play win or lose. These are the reasons why I only play in bursts mostly around the release of new chapters. Which is why earlier I yet again uninstalled this POS game after it yet again became miserable, to simply see if the anniversary killer is interesting, bc if not, the game shall remain uninstalled until chapter 29. Also dont even get me started on map offerings and how bad the map design in general is. Watching your videos otz is by far the most enjoyable thing about this game as a whole. In a way I wish I could get that level of enjoyment, because this game does nothing but p*ss me off anymore.

  4. Most teams I get always have that one survivor who DCs either on their first or second down early on and damns the rest of us. Almost always becomes a full wipe or hatch game after that.

  5. Its just campng in the end. I don't get this game sometimes. How is watching camping ever entertaining? Anyone could do it. You don't need 10,000. Not 100. Not even 10 hours.

  6. Respect to the players who have the patience to not give up in dire situations. However, I can relate to players who DC or give up in this situation cause they are people who probably get on the game after work and only want to have some fun playing casually, unlike people who play this game like their lives depend on it, or doing it for a living.

  7. I was playing vs bird lady and I had a blast chasing with her
    but we did a big mistake going for 1 pallet save and 2 of us died
    thankfully i was close to an open gate and waited for my team to come pick me up from the dying state so we could leave (i was sstill crawling towards the gate)
    and guess what happens
    That's right, my teammate leaves me to die and the killer finds me a little while after and I die too
    Thanks FENG

  8. That instant flick at 06:03 exactly where that girl was, he doesn't throw the birds, he pretends he looks somewhere else and goes exactly there. I'm not saying that Otz is cheating, but a lot of streamers are and even though you're all his fans/subscribers, you should really judge those kind of plays objectively

  9. Yestersday, i was with two of my frienda against a nurser. In the first 30 seconds two of us got downed and hooked. Seeing thw nurse sweat made us sweat ourselfs and we got a two man escape.

  10. I don't understand, what's the fun of camping basement at 5 gens? You just ruined that player's gameplay. They became dead on hook because of your "very good strategy at this moment" camping, why would you do that? And then you make videos about camping problem.

  11. Idk why people dont understand me tunneling sometimes. A healthy person and an injured person, quite obvious who im gonna get🤔

    Take a protection hit if you want and ill probably go after you, but otherwise the chance is way good for me to give it up 🤦‍♂️

    Also if someone does dc early, which they occasionally do, im in a totally Winning position.

    If i don't tunnel it's because I dont care about winning

  12. Hey Otz ! I switched to PC 2 years ago after 4 years on PS4 and I took a 6 months break until last month. I love all the new killers but I don't fully understand the add-ons, I still love the powers and perks. Could you make a killer add-ons tier list from the chapter you stopped at maybe pls ? <33

  13. "One hit and she is totally out"
    That's basically how I play Trapper 90% of the time – Iron Grasp, Mad Grid, Agi, stb. I get so much value out of that most of the time.
    Obviously it's just for the memes. But it can be great fun and satisfying, when it works out (it stupidly often does).

  14. there was this one time I was playing sm and someone dc’d. so it was 3v1 on eyre of crows I think and there were only 3 gens left so i could of just secured a kill or let them have a chance so I just played normal and chased, They abused the most recent stair bug a whole lot of times predropped pallets, preran anytime they heard my terror radius and they actually got out I still took another survivor but two actually survived, props to them for not giving up

  15. GG's otz! Always nice to see you giving our bird lady some love. Tight match! They played exceptionally well, dodging bird shots on gens but greeding a little too hard for them ended up losing it for them. Shows how nasty and strong DMS on artist can be

  16. I came back to Dead in Daylight a few days ago and played pig. I didn't hang anyone when they had already completed three generators. After a comeback, however, you have a much more positive attitude, which led to me being able to put two Survivors into death status towards the end of the round. I made sure their traps were not removed and got the other two towards the end as well. So I got all of them and that although I had a very bad start.
    I think it's great that you want to improve the attitude of the dbd community and can only say from my experience that this can definitely lead to more victories.
    Don't forget to have fun while playing 🙂


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