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#saltydbd #swfbullysquad #swftoxic #dbdtoxic #saltystreamer #toxicstreamer #twitchban
Disclaimer: Do not approach this streamer if you know who it is, do not attack nor insult, this guy needs some help.

I will keep this guys name out of it as its not to incite hate towards him, but this video is more to exspose something that you wouldn’t normally find unless you played him in your games and went by to say hello!
He’s on the verge of a mental breakdown at this point, with the pressure of no twitch growth or a community growth of any kind and his games are mostly losses, we can see the horrible state he has got himself into and the hate he is spreading.

This guy needs to STOP EVERYTHING and take a serious look at his life and everyone around him, streaming yourself being this vile is bannable and broke TOS a long time ago. IF you are watching this and reading this, please reset your life and start again, you are doing ALL OF THIS WRONG! YOU ARE HURTING YOURSELF AND OTHERS AROUND YOU THIS IS NOT HEALTHY!

00.00 Introduction
00.50 Trigger Warning
01.30 First Match
16.51 Second Match
22.14 Third Match
33.10 Fourth Match
40.15 Fifth Match
50.11 End Thoughts

TimeZones for Streams
2:30 CST
3:30 EST
12:30 PST
20:30 UK
Every Day.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


45 thoughts on “MOST TOXIC RACIST TTV STREAMER IN DBD HISTORY.. | Dead by Daylight”

  1. People like this who have no self control is a danger to society and to himself. It's one thing to do a youtube video and be professional about it but if you act like this on stream it shows how you really are. I hope he gets banned from Twitch, he's disgusting.

  2. I really hate these kinds of videos, I want to see the salt, not have someone pause to comment every few seconds and tell me what will be said or what was just said. I think it ruins the entire point of watching the video

  3. I'm still relatively new to streaming, somehow managed to hit Affiliate in around 2 or so weeks. This guy is a shining example of how not to do things. I treat every stream like I'm in front of people, talking even if it's to no one. I get it, you can get mad at games live, heck I get agitated at Elden in front of viewers here and there but this level of sheer stress coming from this dude is painful to watch. Not even funny or entertaining where you can laugh and be like "Lol mad cuz bad" no it's levels of anger you would be concerned for their mental health over. Then the whole complaining about his lack of activity on his stream from viewers or lack of viewers overall. That's a good way for people to see you as an entitled asshat. I only know the bare basics of streaming, but even I can tell by looking at this guy that hes got some highly self destructive problems that your average twitch viewer and especially fellow streamer wants absolutely nothing to do with. Rage moments are ALWAYS gold but constant blood boiling anger? It gets old, and it's a gross look. I cannot imagine this dudes heart rate. The sad part is, I can't see this dude as someone willing to listen to critique and build off of it, I feel he'd just lash out and attack.

  4. Such a great video and message. I wish more people could step outside of themselves and objectively see how their actions affect others. Thank you for being a beacon of light Jay wonderful content and good vibes

  5. "Sweaty PC virgin"

    Couple of those things apply to you my man.

    I honestly cannot fathom getting this angry at a video game. Games are there to be enjoyed, provide downtime and help you relax. This guy needs to take a break from this game and streaming as a whole. Play some single player stuff and just chill out.

  6. So.. Purely to start with the game and analysis of that. So he's playing Huntress on console with controller, which is tough. Then boom he lets himself get annoyed by the Nea tbagging. Now I FUCKING HATE that crap, I really do. It drives me mental. But anyway thats for later. he should as mentioned have just ate the DS from Feng (heck it mighta been a bluff!) and got them outta the game quicker.

    Now his attitude. Yeah… Obviously absolutely disgusting, and he will not be on Twitch long if he's gonna talk like that. I hat the cocky tbaggers like that too, but that is just beyond taking it too far. Getting frustrated by it is one thing, talking like that with potential viewers is an absolute no-no.

    I don't think he will be on Twitch long. Either because he has already done enough to get him booted off, or he keeps doing it and possibly gets worse. The community in this game in an interesting one.

    People take this game WAY too seriously, on both sides. And I don't know why people play every game so angry. And I don't know why such angry people (who spew so much bile) stream? Even without any racist or homophobic statement, who wants to watch that crap? I don't know why these angry/agressive or entitled/bitchy people get viewers and followings.

    Good job on bringing this to light.

  7. He's bin playing for almost 5 years I think at this point, he has very low self esteem and has reached out to others for advice while belittling himself and his lack of skills in the past (think it was like 2 years ago now) I didn't think this game was healthy for him even back then, but to actually hear him like this is really concerning and it's sad to see this is still his mind set after all this time, I know the things he's saying is horrific but I genuinely feel sorry for him, I hope he takes a good hard look at this and himself and makes a positive change 🙏

  8. jesus christ this shit is disgusting, how the hell is anyone so mad over a teabag and a pc gamer? i hope he gets deplatformed and looks into getting some help or something lord

  9. Here's the thing you have no idea what is going on in this guys life and you'll probably find he was bullied when he was younger and has real life hardships that most people don't even experience because they are born into wealth so now all that pent up aggresion is being let loose in a video game.

    There is plenty of clips of people shouting at video games all over the internet and it really all boils down to how they perceive they are being treated and it triggers an aggresive response you'll find that there are many more survivor players that behave this way then killers and that is also why when survivors tbag (you call it frustration tactics) and the match isn't going the killers way they are already under stress and that action alone is a massive trigger to them.

    Personally when a survivor tbags I see it as a challenge it's like saying "Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye" and you stick your tongue out and say "you can't catch me" what did bullies do in the playground when they got some kid doing that to them? they would chase them and if they caught them beat the shit out of them, so yes it's a challenge with much the same consequences except this is in a video game and to be fair it should be expected difference is there is no physical harm.

    The language isn't called for there are minority groups that get easily triggered and we should all be more respectful and understanding towards them.

  10. Do away with the words spoke from him and just pay attention to the mood swing's from him . Bipolar mood swings and certain lighting can trigger brain issues . No excuses for him he shouldn't be streaming . Some people are just aholes and sometimes people need help or meds . I guess the question to ask is he a evil toxic ahole or mental issues that meds would help .

  11. I don't see a problem here, I only see a veteran gamer from Call of duty who used Gamer words that mean shit and you're mostly promoting people to be snowflakes by a few gamerwords. Let the guy fucking be… they're provoking him to get stressed out. The best thing is to release that stress from your comfort of your own home. Cmon Jay

  12. This guy legit started cussing me out because i hit a crossmap artist.. he refused to believe i outplayed and gave me every curse under the sun… i understand some people are not meant for streaming, and i feel like he would have a better time on a less stressful game – especially killer

  13. I have a friend that used to rage so much at dbd it's ok to get angry to a point, but there's also a point to where it just goes too far and you have to rethink how you should go about video games because they are here to relieve stress not create it.

  14. It killed me when he wouldn't just hook Feng in the first game. He had her dead on hook and lost 2 gens instead. If I have someone downed and someone else teabags it tells me the one dead on hook has nothing to help them and they have nothing to save them with. I honestly have no issues with people getting worked up during a match and name calling as long as it's basic 'you lil sh*' or just insulting their gameplay but then being chill after the match. It was like he had no filter though. I'm interested to know if he feels ashamed about how he acted and it was just the anger getting the better of him. I've had a bunch of streamers I've gone against that were outright being rude to me during to the game and then endgame we become friends, because it's just a game ,enemies during the match, people with at least once common interest ( dbd ) after the match. There's no prize for winning. It doesn't even log your hooks or escapes.
    I just can't imagine getting this worked up.

  15. I've actually got a message of him saying he's officially done with this toxic sweat fest of a game. Thought I recognised hes name. He never hurled insults at me though so that's something lol. Honestly think he's just burned out, needs a damn break from the game.

  16. is it bad that i have to deal with daily people as bad as him >.> legit "kys" and more over a game its not a great time playing i personally start stressing a bit and have a point where after too much hatred from the game i have to leave it hurts playing the game against what i see … trust me he is offensive but i had to quit the game from a few stalking me on dbd and they were ban evading by creating new accounts … was not fun people shouldnt be that toxic

  17. he clearly isn't very good at the game and can't handle it when things don't go his way, throws wayyyyy too many hatchets when he can just m1.

  18. I feel his pain as a Slinger main with how accurate you have to be to use their range attacks, BUT I also realize that killers like that take extra skill to master due to the difficulty. I also understand the frustration from a bad game, but again, if this game makes you this angry, you should find something different to play. He needs to take a break to look at himself and his behavior and come back with a new mindset. As you mention, it’s just a game, something you’re meant to have fun with. You just have to keep learning with any mistakes you make and not just quit due to them.

  19. This is why I take breaks from this game , it’s extremely toxic and frustrating, when I’m survivor I mostly get face camped by bubba and when I’m a killer , the gens are flying and people tbag a lot , it gets frustrating easily so I think people should really take breaks from this game or don’t play at all. Put your mental health first 🤗

  20. "Spreading your toxicity" says the guy that only knows how to play killer like a toxic d-bag.. 🤦camps, tunnels, etc. I notice he rarely plays as a survivor.

  21. I'm currently on a break from DbD because I would keep getting slurs and messages to kill myself in EGC when I played, be it a 4k, 2k, 1k or 0k. It was impacting me mentally and making me moody, even towards my SO who keeps trying to show me the game can still be fun. I appreciate her efforts, but I didn't want to end up like this guy and hate a game that challenged me so much mentally, learning how to get in people's heads, out play them, etc. Sometimes chat would get so bad id have to leave and hug my parents, having stuggled with my self worth since i was a child. You win, you lose, you say ggwp, maybe chat a bit, and move on. Don't forget that the survivors or killers are real people. It really isn't hard to not be cruel. ManFaceJay even taught me how to ignore frustration tactics, or apply my own. Fav DbD creator.

    This guy should do the same. Put it down for a bit. Maybe talk to someone.

  22. I had no idea it was like this. I’m about to start twitching, and this video has given me awareness. You aired this guy with class sir… thank you for sharing 💯

  23. I bet he’s gonna be mad that you spent an hour talking about years worth of untreated closeted racism bottling up. I sure hope they change one day but it’s gonna take a lot of time and effort

  24. As someone who’s bipolar, I had moments of angry outbursts. I never got to a point of saying things extremely horrible, but have said terrible things. I looked back on what I would say and how it would effect me and decided to make changes. I changed my entire outlook and worked on my anger in constructive ways. Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is stop and think about what could make you a better person.

  25. I've seen this guy in a video made by someone else and a big thing he always complains about is PC players but he refuses to turn off cross play because he KNOWS that he is the problem deep down. He also complains about the fact that he can ONLY play DBD because it's the only game where he gets views…. yet he doesn't get views. I think probably most of the viewers are people that pop in after a game and then leave again. These things are probably nagging in the back of his mind adding to his toxicity which is why he gets triggered so fast as he is. DBD is NOT a game he should be playing, he should play a game that he can enjoy and it would make a world of difference.

  26. Holy shit I just realized I know who this is. He’s been apart of this dbd fb group for a few years now. I really didn’t think he was like this, that makes me sad. ☹️ He seemed like a nice enough guy who’d just express frustration with the game, like most of us, but I didn’t realize it was like *this*. I hope he gets some help, genuinely.

  27. Bless him man I hope he's doing okay, I know what it's like the rage at a game, survivors will be as toxic as they can when they know they've got the upper hand it's always the same it's always been that way, he seems fairly new he needs to main a different killer and get the hang of things before he plays huntress I think, there's a lot of planning and thinking that goes into a killer game if his mindset is like this he's never going to learn, just shush concentrate plan and you'll win

  28. Thing is, pure hate like this, there will never be a change in a person. He’s got it ingrained in himself. The balls it takes to say this garbage while streaming is crazy but that hate will never leave his heart


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