Most Toxic Streamer in Dead by Daylight

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I played against the most toxic streamer in dead by daylight… and it was great!


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Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer action/horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As Survivors your goal is to work together to evade, escape, and most importantly – stay alive.      
#dbd #toxic


48 thoughts on “Most Toxic Streamer in Dead by Daylight”

  1. lmfao I swear I run into these types the most on DBD. The bleed outs are just tedious af, like homie I get it you smacked the window like 4 times trying to hit me on the other side, lets just hook and get this bs over with.

  2. Of all the things to call survivors—“Boring” isn’t one I would throw at them.

    Like, I’m all for being Killer sided-but I can’t blame survivors if they aren’t doing well. Not everyone is gonna put up an extreme challenge—EVERY day :/

  3. this guy is probably used to playing against people than arent able to throw pallets entirely the way hes complaining about it. hes obviously whiffing like crazy yet still has the audacity to blame the survivors. sad tbh

  4. I get that sometimes it might be boring when survivors pre drop every pallet on the game for example for sure,
    But yeah you should never put your anger on other people.
    I did that once too and i just dc because i felt bad honestly.

  5. None of the pallets were predrops even yours was a normal drop he just backed off to avoid the stun.

    The rule book he keeps mentioning is the “Survivor Rule Book”

  6. He was obviously very annoyed and should’ve just got off the game, but your title is very misleading. He didn’t do anything remotely toxic, he didn’t Harras anyone in end game chat, or say any hateful slurs. He isn’t obligated to speak to you guys in endgame chat either. All he did was swear and express his frustration which isn’t toxic.

  7. If he doesn't wanna deal with pallet Andy's then maybe don't play a killer that people will pre-drop pallets against? Also I hate how killers will get mad at certain survivors and instead of remembering their name for the next time they may get them they take it out on the people in the next game who did nothing wrong, I knew someone who'd do this exact thing then complained when it happened to them as survivor and it was just like "why? Why do it if you don't like it as survivor?" People drive me insane sometimes lol.

  8. I don’t play toxic at all, but sometimes I catch myself getting mad at survivors holding “W” like WOW THE AUDACITY, HOW DARE YOU SURVIVE! I just get annoyed internally though, I never take it out on the players…I think it’s funny though, like why does it annoy me 😭

  9. I swear there’s a lot of killer mains who have this whole idea of survivors being toxic that primarily exists in their head. Like yeah they exist, but there are people on both sides that you can’t play the game AT ALL without them finding something to get mad at you about.

  10. wdym there is no rulebook xd, there is, i play 3 matches of killer 2/3 the survs complaining in the end, kill one surv before 3 gens pop that's it, you're a tunneler, camper etc.

  11. Bro bro that dude needs to play something less rage inducing and “boring” to him. It’s just a game omg. I have bad match days but I don’t go survivor or killer tantrums. I just log off and take a nap or a break lol. But it was fun watching you piss him off lololol

  12. The fact that idiots like this exist, is absolutely ridiculous. Saying their bored but still playing the game, making the gaming experience crappy for others, bullying others for no damn reason, it's just childish mentality. But welcome to DbD, you're gonna find a lot of childish people here. 😐


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