Moving at 110% Endgame! | Dead by Daylight

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Hey all it’s PotatoGabriel here I hope you’re keeping VERY WELL!
In todays video we discuss the new META made for this + hope
Honestly end-game it’s GG for m1 killers… how can they catch you LOL!

Introduction (0:00)
Gameplay montage (1:10)
Ending discussion (15:36)

Use code Potatolegion:
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Thank you all very much for watching! I hope to see you all in my future videos
– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”

🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵

#DeadbyDaylight​​ #intothefog​​ #DBD​​ #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer


26 thoughts on “Moving at 110% Endgame! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I've been running exhaustion build left right, and center on the singularity, and it works wonders. I have gotten some people to give up, and I don't know why, but when I do play like a bum it's only on garden of tard yall survivors know what yall be doing, bringing 4 flashlights not leaving me alone trying to make me go blind like a cop pulling you over at night, or yall do your Sabo builds. Dbd still sucks balls, but this event is nice and singularity lot of fun. Honestly hope perfectly fine just don't let them stack with each other, and remove the endurance on Made For This, and we all chillin. Actually making it where no movement speed perk stack with Made For This doesn't sound to bad.

  2. I have used this build and not only is it easily counterable but it also can help you learn how to loop. It definitely doesn't need to be nerfed it is actually fun, by way I am killer main so if I think it's fine it should be

  3. TLDR: Though annoying for now this survivor build is the correct and more fun direction for the game to go….just bring us killers along for the ride.

    I do NOT want this build to be nerfed and I am a killer main… BUT killers need something of equal FUN to do for loops soon… buff/change some perks on killer side that are loop/mind game related. I dont want more gen regression and I dont want more exposed sort of perks. The best way in my opinion they could go is to buff 2 of the end game extending perks as well as 2 chase specific perks. looking at perks that are from Original chapters I would like to suggest: 1) No way out buffed to a straight end game corrupt intervention level equivalent; 2) NOED changed to no exposed but give a more significant base speed up as well as permanent stealth and remove the hex aura from survivors; for chase specific perks buff bamboozle to reflect its namesake and add no red stain for 20 seconds after vaulting a window; change pentimento so that gen speed decrease is the second stack but the first stack is 5% speed buff to chase actions (like fire up) and movement speed.

  4. How does an anti-exhaustion build counter Made For This? It's not an exhaustion perk, you just can't get the speed boost while you are exhausted. For example, You can't Sprint Burst and then keep the 3% speed on top of the exhaustion. Hope is also not an exhaustion perk. So, regardless of anti-exhaustion, you are 10% faster while injured if the exit gates are powered.

  5. I don't think this is a problem, there's a ton of risk involved in deciding whether to stay injured or not. It is very powerful with hope, but you also have no guarantee of hope ever doing anything – the risk reward pans out. I think of it like devour hope. When it works, it can work great. And then sometimes it does almost nothing.

  6. Yeah this build is degenerate; certain loops are already a struggle for m1 killers vs normal speed survivors; vs faster ones? FORGET IT. Everyone I face runs that perk and its cancer.

  7. What’s really infuriating and annoying is that the devs already acknowledged the fact that survivors can chain tiles and can get to other pallets after injuring them. Which they said they would split apart loops more and make it so some tiles just won’t spawn so close together. THEN they add this stupid perk which quite literally contradicts the whole f-ing point of even splitting up the tiles AND they added more pallets to the edge of the map so there’s even less dead zones 🤦‍♂️ I honestly just want to slap the ever loving hell outta whoever thought this perk should make it into the game and it being perfectly fine. You don’t even have to do anything special for the perk to even activate you just have to be a crap survivor and get hit and boom you’re faster. Which the whole point is to waste killer time and I get that but if 2-4 survivors did happen to run this the games won’t be very fun for majority of killers. The time alone to catch up to each survivor, down them, hook them, would be as bad if not worse as the twins times from always having to switch from charlotte and victor for hooking and downing without any of their power and they’re still looking into a re-work for them.. So tell me on what level that’s “fair” on top of hope at end game which makes it so if a 110 killer is actually playing a nice/fun way (not camping and such) that come end game they’re never catching the survivor unless they make a really really bad mistake. Killer is becoming less and less a power role and more of a victim role where they’re trying desperately to even secure 1 kill then get yelled at saying they’re tunneling and camping but now the game is literally forcing me if I want to have a chance of a 3k most games.

  8. As noted before, DBD is a Solved metagame vs 90% of the killer roster. The game is far less about the killer winning through skillful play and more about survivors making mistakes that the killer punishes.

    Made For This simply highlights the reality of this for brainlets who can't loop good. For survivors who already know how to loop and read the killer, it gives them just one more advantage most killers can't hope to beat.

  9. As a killer main, going against this was the most infuriating thing. The feeling of being behind already in a game and then just hopelessly looping to oblivion as all your dreams of winning the game crumble away

  10. Movement speed perks for survivors just shouldn’t exist, it’s already infuriating when you can run a loop for a ridiculously long amount of time before even seeing the pallet drop just so they can move on to the next one and do it all over again, whoever thought empowering that was a good idea should be locked in an insane asylum, they’re clearly not mentally stable.


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