MY BABY IS GETTING BUFFED! – Dead by Daylight!

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25 thoughts on “MY BABY IS GETTING BUFFED! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I knew that BT wasn't working as intended with stealthy killers. I thought I was going crazy too with people saying it always worked like that but now it happens to be a bug… 7 seconds for the terror radius to fade away is nonsensical.

  2. Yeah buff killers but nerf Pop because 60 seconds is just tooooooooo OP right boys? Removing 15 seconds from a perk that rewards you for getting a hook is what I call B.A.L.A.N.C.E

  3. So happy to see you loving wraith as much as I do. Hes been my baby since the beginning ๐Ÿ˜ just to much fun. Wraith was the first killer to make me feel that "power" of killer, that you've mentioned, when I first started playing DBD. Appear, get a hit, disappear. Rinse and repeat. Win. lol hes like a wizard

  4. When I first saw the wraith at first before all this anyone else though when he uncloaked u think his lunge was increased coming out I mean it would've made sense right idk what u think when u first saw wraith

  5. All-Seeing was always better than Bone Clapper, but it's comparing a purple to a yellow, and straight power to fun mind games. Us normal folks who don't have 5000 hours of streaming the game are not always going to have very rares either. Also if you are going to be using All-seeing than Nurse's is less than optimal. Yes Nurse's is really good without All-Seeing, and yes it has a longer range, but factoring in Wraith's speed (which extends All-seeing's range) it really seems redundant.

    That said I thought All-Seeing needed a range nerf, before the Windstorm buff, as it was impossible to hide from, but I didn't want it done until they gave Wraith a default buff. He was underrated, but he never competed with Nurse or Spirit. Now that Windstorm is default I think they should drop All-seeing's range from 12 to 10, or 8. Not sure how they are going to balance the Windstorm add-ons now either. As fun as extreme speed sounds stacking Windstorm add-ons on top of the buff seems excessive. Though I do wish they would also give Wraith bone clapper by default. Balance should consider counter play mechanics. Unlike most of the player base I liked to hide, juke, and treat the killer like I was supposed to be scared and avoid him, not just loop and rush gens 24/7.

  6. It's good he's getting all these buffs, however, I still think his bone clapper add-on should be base kit, that's all he needs to ascend him just that little bit more imo


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