My Favorite Part of Dead by Daylight's New Anniversary Modifier

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18 thoughts on “My Favorite Part of Dead by Daylight's New Anniversary Modifier”

  1. Maybe they could add it as a catch up mechanic for killer.
    If you have less than f.e. 4 hooks while 2 or less gens are up you have the option to do that. Something like that would be nice.
    Or a mechanic where if you hooked every survivor once, you get one token for a remote hook so you reward playing "fair".

  2. I hope if it ever becomes a perk, it will hook on a hook you are looking towards, instead of closest, so i can pick a scourge… But overal it feels great, this is my favorite part of pyramidhead honestly.

  3. While remote hook might be good for the killer. It completely negates the sabotage mechanic.
    Get knocked down? Get teleported to a hook.
    Nearest hook got sabo'ed? Teleport them to the next nearest hook.
    Also I found it can also be unreliable and can hook them at a less then ideal hook

    Furthermore, it completely negates wiggling.
    Got an wiggle build? Too bad get teleported.

    What about flashlight saves?
    Maybe, maybe, but if you're fast enough ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    It's a fun gimmick. Nothing more.
    It's simply just too powerful to be a perk or basekit, and im saying that as a killer main, it felt absolutely dirty to do that to survivors.

    I for one think the remote hook should remain a special event / special occasion thing and not be a perk / basekit. But hey everyone can have an opinion

  4. I played a match where I went to pick up someone under a pallet, they had power struggle and dropped the pallet on me at the exact same time that I remote hooked them


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