My Honest Thoughts On The PTB – Dead By Daylight

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33 thoughts on “My Honest Thoughts On The PTB – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I feel like they nerfed healing too much that is too much time to be healing I get where behavior was going for but they overly executed it in my opinion that is too much time

  2. Well already came up with The Trial it seems to be working pretty well , The survivors who don't participate , Get put on hook , I think behavior should focus more on the obsession Mechanic
    I would like If I Kick a generator Whoever touched it last becomes the obsession, I will also like If I hook a Survivor two times , If they become the obsession And already have two hooks I can moir them

  3. sorry spook but this is almost so cringe I thought it was april fools. In what WORLD do you think this game is killer sided? I can play against a terrible group of players, and without hard gen regression ill still need to tunnel/camp because during chases, no matter how long they go, its really easy to just sit on gens. Your view of the game is fake because you are trying to appeal to your survivor audience, which is larger than the killer playerbase. You also use joke builds and play against low MMR solo squads who cant do 2 gens in 6 minutes. Go watch any high MMR killer play and your view will be very different. Lilith omen, truetalent etc.. Stop feeding in to this nonsense that killers need more nerfs and that these healing changes are a problem.. Its pathetic that everyone in the comments is crying about the healing changes but i dont see any mentions of the COB changes, overcharge, pain res etc.. do you just want to play a game where there is 200 survivors for every 1 killer? You really think killers are going to play the game if they have to facecamp just to get a kill? Stop validating yourselves with people who play the same side, get to a high level in killer and try it out so your opinion isnt bias. I play both sides, and i escape like 90% of the time in survivor and im really not that great. All I do is sit on gens and then do some basic looping. UNless its nurse, its a free win most of the time.

  4. I respect his views but there is one key factor he missed. In ptb, mmr is turned off meaning more than likely he will get easier killer matches and much harder solo queue survivor matches than when this goes live. So his win to loss ratio will not be an accurate representation of how strong or weak killers and survivors are until mmr is also factored in

  5. I would like the basic healing speed to stay the same, boon circle of healing to still allow self care, but without any speed boost on yourself, using a medkit won't change the speed, a small speed boost only when healing others in the boon a medkit won't change the speed.

    If I share my thoughts on the boon/healing it would be too long of a message


  7. I mean survivors can literally hold W and buy enough time for the rest of the team to finish gens so holding E for healing…cry harder, imo (not you specifically, that's my mentality on it). Maybe don't make it 26 seconds, but I think 16 is too fast for self care. Maybe 20 would be a fair compromise and keep medkits how they are.

    But yeah I disagree that self care healing didn't need looked at.

  8. Honestly the healing changes are great to me. It will actually force survivors to use new builds (healing builds) instead of using the same old stale builds they haven't changed in 6 straight years.

    Base healing at 20 would be fine, and the billy changes are bad. Other than that, this update looks gold. Played the PTB last night, and with healing perks, healing is basically the same. Just means new meta builds which IMO is great for the game. No more brainless looping builds with no downside.

  9. Lost a ton of respect for the bit at the start. If the game isn’t survivor sided why have so many killers quit ? Why are survivor queues so long ? Why do streamers like Dowsey and Truetalent both say the opposite? Also if you can take a heal in 6 seconds (time you think it’s gnarly to heal in) how is that balanced around the time it takes for killer to inflict a heal state. Generally love the anti-toxic content but the belief the game is killer sided just flies in the face of common sense and basic maths.

  10. Bro Billy is the most fun killer or should I say was. The nerf to Billy wasn't needed cause he required skill anyway but ok then MAKE A FUN KILLER WEAKER, me and my mate always were excited to see Billy as our killer when we versed him and playing as him is fun too and it sucks to see he's being nerfed even tho his killrate is low I'm pretty sure. R.i.p Billy

  11. Healing with slow down perks can take up to 6 minutes 2 seconds to fully heal aka 4 entire gens and there is video proof of it. The heals definitely need fixed not nerfed.

  12. For solo survivors, this will be the end. The only viable way to get healed will be to find a teammate, which is already hard enough without comms. Not to mention randoms arent usually where youd expect them to be because they are just doing rando things, usually for rift challenges. Survivor tools feel VERY underwhelming nowadays, toolboxes dont make much of an impact, keys are dead, and now medkits are barely useful. Just take away survivor tools and addons at this point.

  13. I agree tbh. The base healing speed was never the issue, it was always how you could heal faster then that when pairing everything together. I also feel the Billy addon nerfs are dumb, revert the changes to him and the base healing nerfs and it will be an amazing PTB.

  14. Love the coco puff joke btw, but I’m amazed by the amount of people who play the PTB and still say it’s survivor sided. I don’t even care about DH nerf it’s the massive amount of healing nerfs that I thinks an issue. Yeah nerf healing but don’t go balls to the wall with it first time around.

  15. I want altruistic healing, if people are healing each other that's less people on gens and I can focus on chases without hearing 3 gens pop in less than a minute, why they touched team healing I don't understand, but from what I'm seeing the consensus is unanimous, solo healing should be whats nerfed, but team healing should just stay the same, med kit changes are good.


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