My Issue With Current SURVIVOR | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #commentary #rant

Video Song: Headlights in the Fog by White Bat Audio

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20 thoughts on “My Issue With Current SURVIVOR | Dead by Daylight”

  1. This is why I can never take it seriously when people are asking for DC penalties turned off.

    There will always be players where if somebody spawns on a map they dont like, or against a killer or perk they dont like, theyll immediately want to quit. If people just sucked it up and played what they had to play against, games in general would go much better.

    Even I feel like DCing when I play against a Nurse because shes so boring to me, but I wont. At the very least I'll try to serve as a gen bot and speed through the gens so I dont have to play the game anymore… but I figure that's way better than just plain old disconnecting and doing nothing for my team. Plus I at least get some bloodpoints for my troubles.

    Just dont dc, guys. Dont be babies. Just dont do it.

  2. It isn't just you, man. Back when I played DbD regularly, I was dealing with DC's semi-frequently in my games, most of them being from Survivors who got downed first. I think BHVR needs to find a way to just stick frequent DCers in their own lobby with other frequent DCers. They can all play together and quit on each other while everyone else sees games through til the end and gains BP. The most I was doing to help compensate Survivors who stuck with the game was I would give the last Survivor Hatch. People don't seem to realize how unfair and childish they seem when they DC when sticking around until death or escape does SO MUCH for you and your teammates.

  3. Yeah, It is so awful right now with all the quitting. I want to get better at the game, but Killer is literally unplayable for me with the Queues and solo I die after my first Chase, because my team is already done. Although I once DCed myself at the start, because I heard the Nurse Blink sound, but that was mainly, because I was on like a 6er Streak against unfun Nurses where the game ended at 5 gens. Am I a bad person?

  4. Yeah, This is why since the update I havent been playing as much. to summerize

    – Survivor SWFs are stronger, soloqueue (which is what i play) is weaker.
    – Survivors killing themselves on hook, or just DCing, which both is to rollback updates and because 'wah wah, im no longer the power role, fix it bhvr :('
    – Survivors complaining about the changes.
    – An unwillingness to learn the new mechanics.

    I hate the second and and fourth, I can deal with SWFs, and complaining, hell im complaining now, but the second is malicious and an attempt to bring down a minority of players, it only just finally got to the point that killers came back, and as soon as they did? Survivors are trying to become the dominant role again, because they want to pubstomp killers. Survivors cant have it both ways. Notice how killers adapted to the changes and pressed their advantages. Tunneling and Camping stronger? Well, they play to that advantage. Its a strategy, it sucks, sure, but yall cant complain after your 100th dead hard that its not fair.

    I really hate how people are also refusing to adapt to the changing climate of the game, DH isnt handed on a platter anymore, get over it. Stop complaining, hell I never used DH before, now I use it, since its a skill perk, and I can use it successfully often enough to say its a buff! People are just complaining because they dont have enough skill and are now realizing it, and they want to go back to EZ loops because they arent good enough at mind gaming and need the E key to save them.

  5. The game is barely harder for me. I guess I underestimated the amount of hand holding most Survivors were used to. Meanwhile I'm getting like 30K per match and hit Red 1 ten days early WITH the trash randoms in every game.

    Maybe this will make Survivors happy: just add continues for Survivors and they can just come back into the game forever until they win.

    I'm having more fun for the reasons you stated. I had a lot of close games where the escape was very satisfying.

  6. I feel like this is a bad take. If people aren’t having fun in a match they are allowed to want to get out of it ASAP. You can’t force people to play a match they have no hope in through to the end

  7. I hear ya bro this is the reason I've stopped playing dbd unless my friends ask me to no use playing anything but 4 man swf killer is boring cause of it and solo is unbearable cause of it been playing a bunch of VHS and loving it

  8. Maybe it's just my killer bias talking but I feel like this mid patch showed difference between survivor and killer mentality. I am not saying that every survivor or killer is that way but it feels like survivors have more tendancy to give up overall. This mid patch was quite huge buffs for killers but there were also huge buffs for survivors in the past, but u can see the difference between "suck it up, I will improve" mentality which is imo a bit more common on the killer side. As stated before I am not saying that all survivors are like that. A lot of them want to improve. But to those special snoflakes who don't wanna play againts certain character and dc i can just ask why are you still playing this game?

  9. Should not even be an issue. It's entitlement from low mmr solos or entitled survivors expecting to bully the killer and then leaving when they can't do that and win. Survivors have been pampered for years and this update pointed that out, survivors literally suck so much without their boosted crutch perks that they just give up. Killers put up with imbalance on SWF and MMR for way longer than survivors have had to put up with this patch. From my experience survivors give up no matter what killer I'm playing or how nice I'm playing. This "tunnel camping playing nurse so I DC" doesn't work as an excuse when I'm playing Demo with a meme build and survivors give up on first down. Pathetic. As usual killers will adapt, survivors will complain, quit and get things nerfed.

  10. Never thought i'd come to defend disconnecting in any way shape or form but the state of solo q is terrible

    We (killer) waited 6 years for M1 killer to be finally viable and what do we get? Nurse, nurse, blight, nurse , huntress, blight, facecamping bubba, nurse, nurse,legion, blight, huntress, trickster …. im severely disappointed with the hypocritical killer community at this point but if u have to dc pls do it when spawning in so everybody is on the same page.

    Killers usually have no empathy and keep tryharding in a 3vs1, no wonder every solo q player is looking for swf groups atm or switched to killer ..

  11. The only thing I disagree with you is the Nurse part. If I play against a Nurse I would kill myself on hook because every game with her have been miserable and there is no real counter to her I have no problem with camping and tunneling since I do them myself as killer but Nurse completely ignores the game especially with the Omega blink add ons and recently my matches have been 60% Nurses that their only intention is to win the game as fast as possible and that is completely fair and it is their way to play the game but don't force me to against that bullshit. Dbd is not competitive and there is no reason for me to play as one if I want to play like that I would play apex legends. What are you proving when you are forcing yourself to play against a sweaty killer/swf ? The game is unbalanced and skill means so little in this game. I really don't get why people like Otz and others are trying to make this game competitive when it wasn't even designed around being that. If you aren't enjoying a match just dc it has nothing to do with being a grown up adult


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