My Least Favorite Map in Dead by Daylight

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37 thoughts on “My Least Favorite Map in Dead by Daylight”

  1. i totally agree with you, it doesn't mean i play bad on it or it is a bad killer map but i just hate it, so mostly i get it i just camp cuz yeah fck that or i dc, but mostly i just camped cause i dc a game earlier cuz i got send on haddonfield with huntress or smth so my dc time would go to high xD

    aswell nurse, blight, huntress, demo, twins (okay twins not that much affectet actually cuz you can just camp ways and block them off) main i think that makes it even more reasonable

  2. HAL is the only indoor map that I like for some reason. Perhaps because Gideon is so survivor sided, Midwich is "hold w" simulator, and Lery's has 100 window vaults. HAL is the best in a bad category imo.

  3. all the pallets being the same on hawkins is the main thing i agree with, but ive had plenty of fun on the map. the only map where everyone consistantly has a bad time (in my opinion) is greenwich

  4. Every single indoor map has to have been made by a sadist because every single one has problems. Hawkins? WALLS. Lerys? Fucking impossible to navigate. The Game? Physically hearing someone in the room next to you and having to spend 10 extra seconds going around the massive ass metal door just to get into chase. Midwitch? Litteraly two infinites unless you break the wall + w key simulator = go fuck yourself.
    Stop. Making. Indoor. Maps.

  5. I truly believe Hawkins was designed by the one guy at BHVR who thinks Spies from the Shadows is the best perk and wanted more people to use it JUST IN CASE you get Hawkins

  6. Hawkins? Very odd choice imo. You have problems tracking people there? Hm okay.
    Also Billy is better on that map because of the short loops. Zooming around is fun but actually hitting chainsaws is better
    Yea Idk, I like Hawkins on both sides actually. Out of all the indoor maps.

  7. As someone who plays wraith boi a lot, I don't mind Hawkins too much but since I've been playing blight, I literally have panic attacks in the loading screen thinking I'm gonna get Hawkins

  8. The only way to have a real non 50/50 looping experience is to go upstairs in the long rooms and use the windows (balanced helps) but then it gets blocked and it becomes hawkins again, I agree terrible map, we need to stop having indoor maps made tbh

  9. Nurse wins on Haddonfield?
    Feels as if I'm gaining ranks IRL.

    Stages really are the equivalent of bad matchups in fighting games.
    I couldn't say it's outright bad design given there are many killers who succeed on certain maps where others don't. Then vice versa.

  10. yeah hawkins is pretty shit but have you seen groaning storehouse? map literally has 2016 double pallets, around 4 safe pallets right next to shack, and the window can literally be an infinite if the killer is bad enough


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