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I tried using my legacy Legion build in Dead by Daylight and it seems to still work quite well!
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#DBD #intothefog
Used to run this all the time because of you tat lol
Ayo the retro build
You should at least do a stream or whole video of a win streak. They are super entertaining to watch.
Megs head is hard, took that knife like it was made of plastic.
I love bamboozle on legion. It just makes it so i dont have to loop shack or T L walls for 2 mins etc. Idk why they removed the vault speed in frenzy tho 🙁
How do you still have event stuff? I thought it ended 😮
Thanks to this build i learned to play Legion again after almost half a year break from dbd, The legion bby
I wish I could get these chill lobbies too
Could not agree more with the old Haddonfield. It was actually really aesthetic and it felt really immersive.
Perks: Enduring, spirit fury, brute force, no way out.
Add on: BFF + Julies Mixtape
There u go, Legiondary