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22 thoughts on “MYERS + BAMBOOZLE = YOUR GOING DOWN! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. How can anyone think this is good evidence of Myers not being bad? The survivors played abysmally. They ran right into the killer so many times. Time stamp one good play the survivors made…exactly. And they still got to 2 gens.

  2. 6:55 Fun fact: shown that video to my friend who doesn't know shit about DbD (but is, generally, fairly intelligent and good at games). His first comment was "is that staged?"
    Because of how legitimately dumb you have to be to have that happen to you.

    The first guy doesn't react to Trickster breaking the door down and only starts running when he gets hit with ~5 knives.
    The second guy in that video runs directly towards Trickster until he turns around (while he's "ulting").
    The third guy saves right in front of Trickster (while he's "ulting"…).
    The fourth guy got unhooked in front of the killer with no BT (of course).

    Yeah, those survivors were either extremely trash or the thing was staged. One of the two.

  3. Lol Tru3 really just said Trickster was worse……man you’ve had some real shit takes lately. Play Myers against survivors that aren’t absolute melts and you’d convince me more.

  4. 4:54 It's moments like right here that ppl overhype Myers. You could've injured Dwight here as "any other killer." So later in main you wouldn't have been injuring him, you also would've been downing him. Myers Tier 3 is ok, and he isn't the worst killer, but I wouldn't put him far from the bottom, and I'd definitely put Trickster above him, not in A or S tier tho lol.


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