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Myers has some new perks in Dead by Daylight!
Myers Just Got Much SCARIER in DBD! The new update to dead by daylight. Funny moments and meme fail.
D3AD Plays
Stream Everyday 5pm EST.
Who's ready to scare survivors with this build?
Someone's got a new mic!
That speed in that last chase with Mikaela in the first match was insane
Yo man you sound tired asfff, you should definitely take a small break D34D we all care for your mental health and well being too 🫶🏼
Dead are ypu sick or it is a new mic?
No way that Dwight's id😅13:02
New mic? Voice sounds better than normal. Not saying it was ever bad just sounds better in this video for some reason
why does d3ad's voice sound so tired in this video or just because of the new mic, u okay my friend?
Locker glitch gone already? (I don’t play dbd)
Every update seems to buff Myers
i like how everyone is just determined to make Myers the fastest killer.
Nah imagine a tier 3 vanity mirror 💀 pair it up with infinite tier 3 and it’s game over
I love how before launch, tons of people thought Rapid Brutality was going to be utterly unusable garbage, and a wasted perk slot. But on some killers, it could clearly be a staple just because all they care about is being faster for their M1's.
Legion at Home:
Hmm I see them popping those gens pretty fast against this build, what about using Fire Up instead of Coup de Grâce?
Just tried this build and it’s fantastic!
Dude… you made the Shape into an A+ Tier Killer, if not S-!
I don't even care if I actually enjoy the video or not… I always start the video by giving it a like, then I watch it. Love you D3AD
new mic dude? voice sounds neat
Hes name caught me off guard 12:53
The gen grab was great…
“Doh,… God!!”
Why would you keep the dead rabbit when you are using infinite 3?
Honestly thought this was gonna be about how flashlights were temp disabled.
Nah nah nah.
I run:
Superior Anatomy
Coup De Grace
And something else
People shit their pants against me.
This build is nuts!
I ran something similar to this and it was 4ks all around lol. Love it for Micheal
Hey, I think I went up against a cheater, but I don't really know??
Is there any way to unhook yourself when you're well into second stage and are nearly sacrificed?
I was trying to secure kills during endgame, cause I was running a fairly memey build and the surv team I was against cranked gens in like, 4 minutes.
One person was VERY nearly dead, and I had another person downed nearby, so I decided I'd just wait for them to die on hook, because they were about 10% away from death.
Knew what direction the last person was in, but the hooked person just.. hopped off the hook?
I thought it was deliverance for a second, but that doesn't apply to second stage as far as I know.
All gens were completed at the time they got off, too.
The last survivor was also nearby, but I would've seen them if they WERE the one who unhooked.
just wanted to know if anyone actually knows what happened there???
I love his voice it’s so satisfying to listen to
Hey, new microphone! Sounds pretty sick.
I don't know if you do build requests or anything but I have a pretty good Myers build that my friends call the lore accurate Myers build idk if you'll see this but if you do id love to hear your thoughts on it
Did you get a new mic? You sound better than I remember
Ima try this on my friends
I hope you'll end up in my lobby with either of these builds at some point. Bring a mori for me. thanks. <3 🙂
They gon nerf rapid brutality because of dead using it in every build😂💀
Build doesn’t make sense, you are constantly losing stacks of play with your food because you need to stack stbfl, coup de grace is a wasted perk slot because fully stacked stbfl and the alien perk is all you need to secure downs.
You guys sure about nerfing Mad 4 this Perk 😂😂😂
Burger king myers finally exerciced
Your new Mic sounds great D3AD
Hey man I recently re found my love for this game and you've been by far my favorite killer dbd youtuber to watch these past past couple weeks, thank you!
man i can't watch this. These addons are so lame
Definitely going to be trying that Vanity Mirror build, looks super fun!
that first chase shows how pathetic myers is still lol no wonder dbd is losing players to tcm
you might wanna blur one of the names in game 3. (i love you dont, get demonitized :D)
i love watching your videos and i hope you leave a heart on my comment it would make my day.
I love your accent lol