Myers Just Got Much SCARIER in DBD!

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Myers has some new perks in Dead by Daylight!

Myers Just Got Much SCARIER in DBD! The new update to dead by daylight. Funny moments and meme fail.

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46 thoughts on “Myers Just Got Much SCARIER in DBD!”

  1. I love how before launch, tons of people thought Rapid Brutality was going to be utterly unusable garbage, and a wasted perk slot. But on some killers, it could clearly be a staple just because all they care about is being faster for their M1's.

  2. Hey, I think I went up against a cheater, but I don't really know??
    Is there any way to unhook yourself when you're well into second stage and are nearly sacrificed?

    I was trying to secure kills during endgame, cause I was running a fairly memey build and the surv team I was against cranked gens in like, 4 minutes.
    One person was VERY nearly dead, and I had another person downed nearby, so I decided I'd just wait for them to die on hook, because they were about 10% away from death.
    Knew what direction the last person was in, but the hooked person just.. hopped off the hook?
    I thought it was deliverance for a second, but that doesn't apply to second stage as far as I know.

    All gens were completed at the time they got off, too.
    The last survivor was also nearby, but I would've seen them if they WERE the one who unhooked.

    just wanted to know if anyone actually knows what happened there???

  3. I don't know if you do build requests or anything but I have a pretty good Myers build that my friends call the lore accurate Myers build idk if you'll see this but if you do id love to hear your thoughts on it

  4. Build doesn’t make sense, you are constantly losing stacks of play with your food because you need to stack stbfl, coup de grace is a wasted perk slot because fully stacked stbfl and the alien perk is all you need to secure downs.


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