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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
lets go
Wow there. Calm down my people you haven’t even watched the video yet. Get out of the comment section.
Tru3's bits donation sound got me thinking gen got finished within 1 minute
picks up phone …… "hello whos there?" * brief pause* " .. S.T.A.R.S" hangs up and attempts to runs way
True is very talented
true Lost
True Lost
true Lost
Petition for Tru3Talent head reveal
I love his camera pan animation at the start of the trial.
why you dont have lag and other plays had it hahaha
so someone's spamming comments cuz they're salty? doesn't that just help tru3? the algorithm sees his videos with high engagement. lol. but seriously, how do these people look at their behavior and really think they're the one's being reasonable and rationale?
It looks like hitting people with your fists unless you know you can only manage whipping them at a vault is the best play you can make with nemmy
I think nemesis is low b tier. He has no map pressure and decent chase. Not good as Freddy Demo or Pyramid Head
I wonder if it would be a nice change in nemesis allowing him to call and attract zombies in certain range
He calls you on your cell phone and knows how to work a whip. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Isnt Twitch's bit thing like, 100 bits = 1 dollar?
The single dislike is from the guy that got grabbed off the unhook by Nemesis