NEMMY VS 1000000 PALLETS! – Dead by Daylight!

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26 thoughts on “NEMMY VS 1000000 PALLETS! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. old infinites and DS on everyone regardless of hooks or obsession, was waaaaay worse then current killer lmao. Like current killer is definitely the dark timeline, but old Killer was the dark timelines dark timeline.

  2. Man imagine if for like only a month if they made killers base speed 120 or made gens take an extra 20 seconds just to make killer feel strong how nice that would be lol

  3. Tru imo you played this match bad and if you didn't have Noed you only might had got one kill. You tunnel Meg who you didn't even end up catching till late game. You didn't even get Nemesis power to level 3 cause you kept doubting yourself.

    "Oh he has SB so I can't hit him. Oh I can't pick him up cause he has DS. Oh I can't hit him cause he going DH. Oh the map is bad."

    You played bad cause you kept thinking bad was going to happen. Only one person had DS. You had a chance to get Nemesis power to level 3 when they kept body blocking but you was so focus on tunneling you didn't even focus on getting Nemesis power to level 3. You wasted time tunneling and doubting your own skills which lead to your lost. At one point they was all body blocking and no one was doing gens yet you kept on tunneling. Gotta play better next time Tru. Gg…

  4. I'm honestly so glad you're using NOED, you'd be stupid to not have Dead Hard as a survivor and I think it applies to NOED the same way- yeah, they're badly designed crutches but this whole game is badly designed… so who cares. I really wanna see you play nurse with NOED, NWO, RUIN and CORRUPT… it would be hilarious to see the reactions at the end.

  5. If survivors didn't get a sprint burst for getting infected id love playing nemmy more but having to down through 3 health states and 2 speed bursts really kills it for me not to mention the zombie ai is actually terrible

  6. I think all killers need to start bringing NOED as often as possible to counter boons. There can only be a max of 4 boons so if they don't cleanse dull totems and NOED goes back to meta then boon users might start cleansing again, thus bringing pentimento some value like it might have gotten before the boon meta.

  7. I’m officially a dbd hater now. None of my friends play dbd anymore, it sucks. My favorite YouTuber is struggling to have a decent game. When I first played dbd, it was a thrill to survive and it really felt like I accomplished something. Now surviving feels like it’s a guarantee bc of all the second chances the game gives survivors. Like if you die you probably just played rlly bad as survivor.

  8. Yeah all you do is complain I’d consider quitting the game if that all you are going to do. It’s ridiculous every game it’s just something survivors do that needs to be nerfed but to top it off you call yourself top MMR clearly not

  9. If everyone is using NOED because there is no point in using gen regression perk like Pop, because it has no impact in winning, devs will not look into gens speed problem or any gameplay base mechanics. They are more likely just nerf NOED.

  10. Noed is such a fun perk for me to use because it either lights up and I get some free hooks/kills or i get no perk value because it got cleansed. It's a strange kind of fun for me. Noed also activates very frequently since survivors don't break totems unless it's a hex and they would rather bless totems.

  11. 11:13 Hoped you were picking up Meg right away, making use of the zombie holding the stairs!
    Even with you eating a DS stun, she would have needed to DH past the Zombie – with both the upstairs pallets gone there was nowhere left to go and she was def got hooked!


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