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This video overviews new information regarding the new 2v8 Resident Evil event that is coming to Dead by Daylight.
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As a huge RE fan I am all in on this
Dveet is so annoying
I love playing nemesis so whatever happens this will be so good
I really hope this means Capcom is letting BHVR add new skins, Ada and Rebecca have been starving for 2 years now 💀😭
Human Centipede chapter when tho 😩
We need a classic Nemi skin. I've been hoping for that since they released him with the shitty REmake skin.
Are we getting Jack Baker as killer? I really hope so he’s one of my all time fav from the RE games
How likely is it that we will get: Twins, Pig, Freddy or also Ghostface in this mode? It also already confuses me what they did to Legion that even he gets added, they must have turbo nerfed him for that mode lmao
For Ghostface I already see the problem that he would get revealed all the time, Twins could slug way too good with specific other killers, Freddy could make problems cause of his dream world and Pig's Traps could always kill someone if played in team with Doctor, Clown or killers like that
I also hope they made more balance changes again, cause last time was a disaster, worse then the first 2v8
For some reason, I want Ethan Winters so badly in dbd, so I hope new RE skins come out with him as a legendary.
If all this is true, and if Nemesis, Wesker and Legion are coming to 2V8…then that means I'm going to have a field day! I love all three killers and I can finally play my all-time favorite: Nemi!
Legion in a target rich environment? Oh Behavior you should have!
Legion is gonna be cringe asf
Wasn’t it confirmed already by BHVR that legion/oni would be in the next 2v8?
i hope we get more licensed related stuff like this. Imagine lights out but its the fog in silent hill instead of the darkness and everyone has a small torch on them
Color me excited 😃but they really need to do something about the killer queue situation for 2v8.
it might be time to give up on dead by daylight its too cooked
I would be happy if they change the Hunk skin terror radius to the Looming Dread OST for the Resident Evil theme 2v8
I better see a 2v8 game of the 2 killers being wesker and nemesis and the survivors being the other 8 resident evil survivors who are Leon, Jill, Chris, Claire, Carlos, Sheva, Ada, and Rebecca.
I want Ashley Graham legendary skin
They really are going all out on themed event modes, Lights Out = Castlevania, Chaos Shuffle = DnD and now 2×8 = Resident Evil? Pretty great all around.
Ik it wont happen, but id love for them to add Lady Hunk and Tofu as legendaries. Especially if Tofu was constantly spouting goofy shit all game
if we get lady D i wont be able to put the game down
Me playing Chris all next 2v8:
I like Hunk
im thinking next 2v8 is gonna be stealth killers
It's good to know licensed characters will be added.
Hell yeah I'm excited for this, and throwing in William Birkin for Blight and Hunk for Legion is perfect. Also if this modifier is coming in February will we still get the Blood Moon Event to??
I hope it comes in early February im so excited
What about Blight William Birkin?
Jack Baker next PLEASE
Time to add Ashley ^^
Honestly hope these are not true. I am really just tired of resident evil stuff in dbd
If hunk and birkins get their own portraits that could also eventually apply to every other legendary that would be so epic
Imagine doing a strat where you play nemesis and wesker and try to deplete the vaccines with the nemesis infection to get all the survivors hindered with uroboros. That would be sick
Now this is good, Resident Evil babyyy let's goooo, it would be so funny to try to hit someone with Nemi tentacle just so that Wesker can snatch it away last second lol
We need re5 jill and wesker final shirtless final boss skin
Still waiting on the OG Nem skin
I lost interest in this game so long ago. It went from spooky to comical..I don't get why not put more horror movies characters in game.
I need a polygon skin for nemesis