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Hey all it’s PotatoDredge here I hope you’re all keeping very well!
Hope you enjoy Dredge all this weekend!! Tons of content for you too enjoy!
Thought I would showcase the new Dredge mori as the skin looks really cool!!
I hope you all enjoy 🙂
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– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”
🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵
#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DBD #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer
The weapon legit changes that's cool
Dredge has to be the coolest killer in a long time!
The skull addon and sloppy are my favorites for hit and run.
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Put some salt cut them cok them boom fries
Let’s go potatodredge!!
I don’t like the Dredge anymore he killed Maurice. 🙁 RIP
I love how he brings joy and laughter to all of us
I wonder how good unrelenting would be on this killer when it comes to breaking locks
I didn't want to play the other skin so bad I bought this
dredge is really cool i just suck at him lol
Man dredges mori when with the doll skin just slapping the surviors in the back of there heads always makes me laugh.
I love the baby doll skin so much more
That dredge skin looks like that one of them doll monsters from alice madness returns
to make the dredge better early game, I find a sloppy butcher, hit and run tactic is great.
Dredge is cool and all, but, he killed Maurice. 😭
I like the mori although part of me wishes they wouldve made it so the survior would reach out in a attempt to grab something ya know
Fyi for those who may not know, when the Dredge is in a locker there'll be "meaty" particles floating around the locker it's in.
I love the dredge! Haven’t played the game in a while but it got me back into it (killer main) and I really love the add on that allows you see any survivor that locks a locker and the one that lets you see them after you tp 3 times. Vision is incredible for this killer
35:18 scared the FUCK outta me I thought I was seein shit
this dredge look 100000x better than his base costume. really should make this his base form. and that….. other one an alt skin.
Dredge is absolutely the worst killer in the game. Why? He took Maurice.
8:04 why is she not exposed???
Just FYI potato L, The Drussy makes a very loud noise when he teleports into a locker, that sound you hear when you're playing him is the same sound survivors hear when he ports.
Only way they won't notice is if they don't have a headset.
I will say that windows very much counters the dredge for when nightfall happens to a degree. What I mean is it’s pitch black for survivors in nightfall but windows helps by pushing you towards pallets and let’s you kinda see what tiles you’re dealing with.
I just wishy they would change the meat hands that shoot out if you were using the doll skin
I want DBD to make more Beast/Predatory type 'Killers'. I like Demogorgon but I'm hoping DbD makes a Werewolf/lycan type of killer 😄
Yesterday I got my first prestige 3 killer which was my main legion 😀