New Infinite Flashlight w/ Buffed Built to Last – Dead by Daylight

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This will be last video on Dead by Daylight’s PTB. I’ll be using the buffed Built to Last which is actually crazy now. Combining it with Streetwise means you actually get 1m 12s of total beaming!

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Outro Music by Kalaido:

Dead by daylight (DBD), an asymmetrical horror game, I play at rank 1 with builds such as the solo getaway build or the impossible to hook me build, to juke killers at rank 1, I love to run killers for 5 gens at rank 1 and do challenges at rank 1, like no pallets at rank 1, how to pip in rank 1 is good too. Dead by daylight has some toxic survivors and toxic killers who run meta builds to gain an advantage, I like to play with fun builds and less op addons, op perks or op builds, most op survivor builds and most op killer builds. Like the all seeing eyes build, the efficient survivor build, the instant heal tank build, the most underrated perks in the game and infinite sprint burst and head on, builds like the vault speed build to avoid dedicated servers or bad hitboxes on windows and pallets. How to counter every killer, Gen rushing builds and Meta Builds, Builds to counter killers, Looping builds and more. I use inspiration for some of my videos from other players like The JRM with his .exe videos and Otzdarva with his win streaks, No0b3 with his once upon a toxic series and Ayrun with the vault speed build. I usually play with Feng Min or Claudette Morel.

Rank reset is always scary, rank 20 vs rank 1 with brand new parts and flashlights. I always upload the new chapter, new survivor and new killer when it comes out with the new update. I love using techs like the dumb tech, ayrun tech, cj tech, locker tech, enjoy the video!

I lost a bet so this is my description now.

Thank you guys for watching 🙂


31 thoughts on “New Infinite Flashlight w/ Buffed Built to Last – Dead by Daylight”

  1. now imagine this for a gen rushing teammate this is actually insane just the fact you can bring a 36 charge toolbox with repair speed add on and your gen is completed under a minute then just hop into a locker and get more

  2. Billy is & always has been the most fun killer to go against, the better they are the more enjoyable it is. They ruined him when they nerfed him & came out with Oni at around the same time, a basically easier/ arguably better version of Billy. The nerfs were so uncalled for & literally no one asked for them, excluding insta saw. That’s all that needed to be changed. You just don’t see Hillbilly anymore, which sucks because most tend to agree he is most enjoyable to go against. I’d say at least partially because of the skill involved in playing him, you don’t really ever feel scammed if he curves on you or anything. Genuinely see Billy’s less than once a month. It’s a sad time.

  3. Hey fubs I hope you see this but I was the Nancy with the same name as you in jrm stream I’m just a fan and support you a lot so i thought I would have the same name but I’m sorry if it offended you I have changed it

  4. Nice video man! About the build, I don't think that Built to last and Streetwise are intended to go together. You could run one of them and, use 3 better perks and you would get a good result anyway.

  5. Can someone explain why people think the boon totems are "busted"? Cause I've really only seen them as simple buffs that probably are really only going to do good for iron will and self-care users


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