New Killer "The Nemesis" – Mori, Survivors, Perks, Add-Ons & more | Dead by Daylight PTB

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First time trying out Nemesis, which looks just like in the Resident Evil 3 Remake. This new Killer is currently available on the PTB for Dead by Daylight on PC and will come to the live servers on most platforms in usually two or three weeks. We’re also showcasing the new survivors.

Timestamps (will be updated soon!):
00:20 New Killer & Survivors
00:42 Survivor Perks
04:45 Killer Perks
08:07 Power Explained
09:35 Gameplay
18:23 Mori animation
20:40 Add-ons breakdown

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40 thoughts on “New Killer "The Nemesis" – Mori, Survivors, Perks, Add-Ons & more | Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. Correction, Hysteria doesn't require them to put into dying, just to hit someone from healthy to injured. Also Leon's Bite the Bullet does mask the sound of allies you are healing from what I have found.

  2. Fun fact: When Nemesis uses his Mori on Jill specifically, he says his signature "S.T.A.R.S." line. I think that's a very neat detail. Honestly, Nemesis seems like he's a lot of fun.

  3. I know everyone says this about every killer but between the zombies and an evolving power, Nemisis looks ridiculously OP when played by a skilled player OR using a combo of those add ons.

    Also Did they touch on the boon perks?

  4. Resurgence + the perk that heal you for 50% of the heal you do on other survivor could be a fun combo if you get unhook by a injured teammate you can heal him and also heal yourself at the same time

  5. i can already see zombies are going to fucking annoying as shit, for people like me that never get good team mates which is already frustrating as fuck, i can already see i will loop this killer for 7 bloody minutes only to get downed by a damn zombie spawning on me that should never be able to down me, adding EXTRA rng to this game……so stupid. See how the jake went down? Yeah fuck that fucking shit, in no world should i go down to a fucking RNG zombie when im constantky outplaying the killer………

  6. Mikhail's Eye+ Shattered S.T.A.R.S. Badge seems like the best way to go, if you want to make use of the zombies. If the zombies are able to not only contaminate, but also damage health state….There seems like no reason why you'd want mutation rate increase when the base rate seems reasonable enough. The zombies are also able to proc perks like Infectious Fright, and other perks when survivors are damaged/ downed in any way. Don't sleep on the zombies, guys.

    Build idea for Nemesis:
    Mikhail's Eye+ Shattered STARS Badge
    Cruel Limits
    Dead Man's Switch(or Corrupt Intervention)

    The general idea here is to make the survivors' lives a living nightmare every time they finish a generator. Cruel limits will block access to pallets, and vaulting opportunities to avoid the zombies that have been sped up massively due to the add-ons. This build is also dependent on how fast the zombies are with this combination of add-ons, as well as how often you decide to kill the zombies. I'd even go as far as to say this build might work better if you don't bother trying to kill them at all unless they are in your way, or you don't have to waste any time going to one. Do give it a try, and see how it goes!


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