New Killer "The Singularity" (Mori, Power, Perks, Map…) | Dead by Daylight PTB

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First time checking out the new sci-fi Killer “The Singularity”, as well as the new map and Survivor. This content is currently …


28 thoughts on “New Killer "The Singularity" (Mori, Power, Perks, Map…) | Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. Important things I didn't show in this video:
    – Killer can shoot you DIRECTLY with his gun once you're "infected" by the Slipstream and automatically teleport to you in "Overclocked" mode, which makes him faster at breaking pallets/walls, vaulting and makes stuns automatically destroy pallets (with a small speed slowdown if this happens). This is great at closing the gap and forces Survivors to be very smart with their resources.
    – Killer also has some robotic voicelines during some animations!

  2. The new perk 'Made For This' looks insanely OP. Getting perma-speed for being injured makes looping incredibly easy vs most killers. Getting Endurance after healing someone even moreso. I honestly see that being a new Dead Hard level of BS at high level play because it's basically the perfect perk for wasting the killer's time if they don't have insta-downs.

    And the other two Survivor perks look really strong too.

    The killer perks?
    Machine Learning is meh. 32 seconds of haste in exchange for a generator is nothing special, especially since it can only activate once, and Coup de Grace' exists to offer a hyper-lunge PER GENERATOR.
    Genetic Limits is okay, and seems decent with A Nurse's Calling. Otherwise, it's typical filler.
    Forced Hesitation is actually pretty good, albeit, with ranged killer and Save the Best For Last builds.

    Not sure what else to say there; hyper-gen rushing builds clap most killers pretty effortlessly these days since slowdown was gutted like a fish and the nerfs to survivor healing has exacerbated that by incentivizing gen-rush builds even more (as I predicted two months ago).

  3. So this is basically what the last chapter should've been? The last trailer seems far more suiting for this guy. Evil robot stuff. Even their weapon is quite similar lol.

  4. I think people tested the For The People combo and it doesn't work since you have to be injured before you start the heal. Still it is a strong perk for sure.

  5. This is the first time survivor perks are not completely garbage and useless. Not gonna lie, they could have been better BUT they are decent which is very rare considering the huge piece of shit the brazillian twins' perks are). I still think killer perks are broken (as always) specially machine learning which literally breaks the game.

  6. As soon as I scavenger my jaw dropped. I already use built to last in half my builds, this feels like the final infinity stone in my gen rushing build. Like I genuinely think this would be good enough to replace prove thyself or fast track.

  7. Haven't played dbd in a while, but isn't 'made for this' super good because it also inevitably causes people to come up with builds that don't have dead hard/sprint burst/etc? I know dead hard was changed in some way, but surely exhaustion perks are still very popularly used.


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