NEW KILLER The Trickster Is Underwhelming.. | Dead By Daylight All Kill

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Dead By daylight Update! TRICKSTER gameplay. New killer, new survivor. Killer new chapter! New TRICKSTER killer gameplay in dbd. New killer the TRICKSTER! New killer DBD.
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35 thoughts on “NEW KILLER The Trickster Is Underwhelming.. | Dead By Daylight All Kill”

  1. I definitely will say I feel like sometimes that his power is kinda pointless but I also feel like he’s mainly to have fun with instead of having to sweat to get the 4K but he’s pretty cool by far and I do agree he is b or c tier!

  2. i'm honestly stoked about this killer. i can overlook how lame he looks (his backstory is sweet) because his gameplay looks so fun. i haven't played him on the ptb tho

  3. Main event should be activateable whenever. The ricochet should be base kit to encourage trick shots. Then knives you hit shouldn’t go away. I’m not too sure on the yet on how much damage his knives should do.

  4. 9/10 times it makes more sense to just M1 them, he's a weaker huntress that looks goofy as hell when he's whipping those things with both arms. It feels like they 99'd the Joker and then couldn't get the license so they reskinned him at the last second. His perks are pretty ok, I just don't see anything too unique about his playstyle.

  5. I love this killer not all killer have to be scary some are pretty and attractive and lure people In that way also I think he's judged to quickly like he is brand new and most likely will be fixed and buffed etc before full release ☺️

  6. Main event just needs an overhaul. You shouldn't have a limited time to activate it honestly, it's not powerful enough to be so restricted. Plus he should definitely be able to perform actions too, not being able to vault, kick, pick up survivors etc. is so crippling. He shouldn't go so slow in main event either.

  7. This might just be because he is new, but even though he's underwhelming and almost a carbon copy of huntress and plague, he is fun to play.
    It's good to have a killer thats simply fun to play. Not every killer has to be nurse level

  8. I feel like dbd is becoming a joke… give me better killers. Chucky, the ring, sinister etc… Not a goofy Dan from street fighter who throws a thousand knifes plus his kill is insanely stupid.


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