New Killer Wesker "The Mastermind" – Mori, Survivors, Perks, Add-Ons & more | Dead by Daylight PTB

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First time trying out Wesker, known in-game as The Mastermind. This new Killer is currently available on the PTB for Dead by Daylight on PC and will come to the live servers on most platforms in usually two or three weeks. We’re also showcasing the new survivors.

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46 thoughts on “New Killer Wesker "The Mastermind" – Mori, Survivors, Perks, Add-Ons & more | Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. One thing to add, from what I can tell, you carry after m2 as long as they are downed via it, but when fully infected (hud shows infection as red) you grab even if they are not injured

  2. Probably just me but with some of the Mastermind voice lines I can imagine him and Pinhead absolutely destroying people in a rap battle or whatever you call it.

    Mastermind: “You disappoint me. Is that the best you got?”
    Pinhead: “I will tear your soul apart”

    Idk saying both sentences one after another sounded great in my head

  3. Otz, question: Could you maybe try and use your power on a healthy survivor with a red Uroboros ring around them? Because I think that most of your power grabs in this video were because you downed mis power usage. You grab them, slam them into a wall, they lose a health state, and it just skips over the pick up animation.

  4. Reassurance wont stop camping, ever since the 6.1 patch that basically killed killer with the endurance meta I have run Bubba with Noed, Mad Grit and Lightborn every game, I will camp the first hook I get and unless they trade the first hook is that persons death hook, until the game gets fixed to a state where I can play any killer and have fun Bubba is the best option. I will camp for 5 minutes or even 30 if needed, stop the hook all you want I can wait

  5. It would be cool if when you grab someone with his power facing a ledge theres a small falling animation like smashing them into the ground instead of just dropping them

  6. Every time a new killer gets revealed and i hear their chase music i feel bad for my love plague cause she still doesnt have her own chase music😪😪😪 behaviour please give plague her own chaee music with this new update please

  7. I wanna see him throw someone down the stairs or out the top of the Macmillan compounds lmao. Especially wanna see it from another survivors perspective just watching it happen


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