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New Players May NEVER Experience This – Dead By Daylight
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Miss this map and old running animation so much 😭
So hyped for it's return
Inb4 Stranger Things Chapter 2 comes out for halloween this year 🙂
Yes officially 750hours and downloaded last year XD
I miss this map, I’m glad it’s coming back
A huntress chasing you watch special about that?
I'm not sure so call me wrong on this but I think you can still play Hawkins in mod by daylight not sure why you would though the map isn't great
weeeeell, leaks sugest that hakwins WILL be coming back with a brand new chapter and stuff….but dead hard still will be dead af haha
I miss tf outta stranger things even though I was new to dbd at the time and only played at Hawkins for a short time haha… actually I hated Hawkins up until probably a week before it was about to go and ended up really liking it a lot 🥺
The door open animation were so long on this map
I was so trash at looping when hawkins was around, there was no way I could have pulled off anything like this 🤣
new players can go in a private server if they really wanted and play the map i believe
Isn't Hawkins coming back? The license is being renewed, right?
They gonna bring back Hawkins so they are can, just in a newer version XD
i miss this map.. 🙁
Hawkins will be back
I’m sad they got rid of Hawkins. It was my favorite map
You can do this at Crotus Penn and Backwater
I'm so sad this map os removed 🥺🥺
Miss you Hawkins lab 🙌🏾😢
I dropped down in front of a nemesis and pyramid head from that hole
Good memories…
I miss playing this map as survivor and killer I hope it comes back I heard it is the last time I play this map I was playing pyramid head
Good… to both of those things. Hawkins and Dead Hard can stay dead.
Looks like Hawkins is coming back around Christmas, so some of the new players will. I got to play so many scratched mirror myers games on this map and I can’t wait to get it back
I miss them both so much tbh 🙁
This map was like the RPD of now.
I was the one survivor who got tunnelled every time I played on it bcz I would always loop him for 3-4 gens every time
i loved this map
just…. idk everyone hated it and i always loved it i had an entire new experience while playing this map the others seemed so boring to me
They won't experience a map that was removed from the game?!
Omg I miss Hawkins so much. So many 20 gen chases on that map. 😂
This was, by far, the best map to use Balanced Landing. It's a shame they disabled it forever. 🙁
I actually miss this map . Alot of players complained about it, but Ive always thought it was the better indoor map compared to the others.
How did you use old dead hard.
The drop down was so fun to use with scratched mirror Myers. Dropping down and scaring people.
It was a fun map for Nemesis too! I felt like the zombies could actually do crap on this map. Shame I could only play as him on it for a couple of months.
Those stairs and upstairs room were life saving. I miss 😢. Omg remember 3 person healing??!
Thank god both are gone. Truly awful map and perk
I hated hawkins as killer but it made it extremely easy as survivor
i miss hawkins sm 😔
Oh man, take it back even further and remember when Dead Hard had no collision. The good ole days.
So sad this map had been removed(
One of the best maps. taken for no reason. Keep every character but don't you dare have the map?
If Stranger Things comes back then Hawkins will too. Fingers crossed.
really miss hawkins, gone but not forgotten <3