Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Hey all it’s PotatoOnryo here I hope you’re keeping very well!
In todays video we are playing the NEW killer ONRYO who is INSANELY fun to play!!!
The playstyle is very unique and ALOT of fun!!
I hope you enjoy these games! I will be going LIVE for more gameplay tonight on stream!! 😀
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#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DbD #BHVR #Legion
just wait
Killer mains: this killer is REALLY FUN AND AWESOME TO PLAY, finally a decent killer 🙂
Survivor mains: baby cries
The dbd devs: lol one sec. nerfs her into the ground worse than freddy and wraith
Killer mains: well it was fun while it lasted…
Any thoughts on her so far? Sadly I think she is in the weak side 😔
it feels nice finally having a killer released without a crazy anti loop, i feel like this is going to be fun to play and play against
Yoichi I think has the same hook scream every time
that nancy not only farmed someone on death hook and then throws a pallet to sandbag someone into a hit LMAO
It would've been nicer if her carry animation on downed survivors would be showing her use her power akin to the Star Wars "force choke".
I find it funny that he calls the effect "infection", i imagine something like a "tv virus" 😂👍🏼
After 6 Years, After a lot of flops, they still do weak killer. Wtf
fearmonger or make your choice are also pretty good on her
The community seems so split on this character, there is a lot of people like me who love her, and then there is another large section who think she is trash and needs a buff. Personally I think her play style, which is stealth hit and run with large range pressure, is a niche system. It focuses on the 1v4 while the killers we have been getting a lot of focus on the 1v1. A lot of people prefer the 1v1 killers because it makes for snappy and quick downs. I will admit, in the current meta the hit and run stealth style is suffering a LOT but I think for people who just prefer that play style are the ones who will make this killer one of their go to.
Epilepsy warning
I can't tell if I like her yet. It's more an issue with I'm not very good and PTB survivors sweat so hard so my games haven't been enjoyable. But she is unique so it's pretty cool.
ooooo she looks like a lot of fun to play, Spud. sorry i couldnt catch it live due to the PTB crashing but the gameplay in this one looked amazing.
Hi all!
Sorry about the transitions! Trying something new and wont use them again!
Timestamps are
Skip these parts if you don't want to see bright static transitions
The ringu is such a scary killer
I love her, so I plan on playing her no matter how bad/good she is. Thankfully, she has a lot of numbers that can be tweaked. I'm hoping they'll take time on this PTB, but I wonder if they'll change much. They have a habit of just using the PTB as a hype generator.
Killer mechanics ( condemning ) is useless, you can switch it of just like TV … in that case literally. After one day survivors use 100% working tactic to just take tapes and switch OFF most of TV's , this not allow her to teleport and sneak hits and you got 300 seconds to give back tape to reset your meter ( until than TV are ON again and some gens will pop because she is normal M1 killer without powers ) and her "invisibility" ( don't know why ppl call it like that ) it's just like dancing from left foot to right but she is visible and this is fake, she is there and you must run if this dancing tampon heading to you ( spirit is invisible, wraith got cloak like predator ) . Fun to play on lowest MMR but middle and high … Unplayable
The one issue that I suspect will be big with this killer is that she doesn't seem to have a lot in terms of a chase. Sure, she does have her TVs but they are somewhat situational and will have to rely a lot more on a hit and run kind of gameplay, which will mean gens get done really quick. But who knows, maybe they'll change her somewhat either when she goes live or in the future
If you look closely you see sadako pull the hook down and swing it up in order to hook survivors
good video but the flashing lights kinda hurt my eyes…
The transitions between games was so Ring Movie that scared the shit out of me and now I don't want to sleep… Love your content!