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i legit dont know what you’re supposed to do with her, all the options seem bad
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i legit dont know what you’re supposed to do with her, all the options seem bad
Sounds fine too me, so everyone who P100 Chess Merchant get hit by karma.
Just remind yourself: Every Chess Merchant knew it was a horrible experience for Survivors to play against this Killer and still they didn't care for you.
So now it is a horrible experience for them to play this Killer. You shouldn't care either. It's deserved 😅
This is literally what they did to Freddy
we got what we wanted, why do we need to make videos telling the devs we are unhappy. fuck sm's concept and keep her dead.
What’s all this then. Plenty of videos on this recent change buffing chase merchant.
Those 3 Twins Mains are finally not alone
"i want skull merchant to disappear from dbd"
the monkey's paw explodes
should you be trying to chase survivors INTO a droned up zone? is that viable?
That's what most people wanted though, for her to get reworked to hell. 😂😂😂
Sure 3 gen sucked and it was one of the hsrdest things in the game to counter but it was still counterable if you really tried. Now they've effectively destroyed SM.
A PTB about Skull Merchant > Can't play Skull Merchant if you don't own the DLC. Big brain BHVR moment
I want the Skull Merchant power to be a "projectile" scout pretty much a one way guard patrol to find survivors following the first survivor it finds for a set period of time or until they deploy a Claw Trap. Claw traps should give hinder rather than a health state and last until the survivor is hit or the claw battery runs out. Drone range should give oblivious to the survivor rather than giving stealth to the killer. If that is still too weak perhaps it should periodically release "stuns" similar to the Doctor's shocks at random intervals and bombard survivors with difficult skill checks should they decide to stay on a generator perhaps even using the directional minigame from skull merchant to give different skill checks and if endured for too long by sitting on a generator in range of a drone for too long even giving both skill checks simultaneously exclusively to punish either extreme greed from survivors and/or actually effect top tier players. Skull Merchant's flavor design I belive lends itself more to an information/harrasment killer and not an instadown chase killer. A few of her addons could be dedicated to the shape of a drones patrol route, the type of skill check harrasment, the hinder amount, and even the drone presuit speed. I know my proposition is very unrealistic because it is more akin to a full killer overhaul rather than a change but it feels that it is necessary to save the killer.
Good. Skull Merchant deserves to perish in obscurity and horrendousness. Glad she's getting nerfed to, below Trapper levels now.
could her drones work as some type of alarm security system?
You are terrible 😮
have you checked out MintSkulls Rework idea for her? I know there is a ton of them, but honestly his was the best one I've seen so far
She's just hot trash, devs… please delete her from the game completely.
This rework feels like it's an afterthought. what a waste of resources.
To be fair if they had changed nothing that 4 hours of ptb wouldve barely been 4 matches