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Dead by Daylight Pinhead has amazing synergy with the new buffed sloppy butcher perk, making him a crazy pain to deal with as survivor!

I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Pinhead Gameplay!
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32 thoughts on “NEW SLOPPY BUTCHER PINHEAD IS CRAZY STRONG! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Make perks work like Yugioh limited cards. You can have 1 S tier perk, 2 A tier perks and any combination of other class perks as you wish.

    Edit: Perhaps this could be on a rotation as we get new perks in, something like every month or so, to try and keep things fresh. That way you can (Maybe) reduce how many people will bitch and moan about things becoming stale.

  2. I feel like that mcmillan game, those survivors made one or two macro blunders that just ruined the whole game for them (david being caught healing someone on death hook after just being unhooked, And the David getting the box close to you immedietly before that.) and those two mistakes basically spiralled the game out of their control. They didnt loop particularly well, but if those mistakes didnt happen, then the game probably woulda been alot closer.

  3. Something they can change is survivors stopping regression. They literally got to touch it to stop it. Maybe make it a perk or something that they got to complete difficult skill check and if fail it pops again or will continue to regress until did?

  4. Every day I wish for a bug to be discovered in Dead Hard that forces them to shut it down for a week or so just to see what would happen.
    The survivor player base would plummet.

  5. If survivors could have only one of a perk (or certain perks) equipped between all of them, that would solve most of the meta problem. If you count survivors having four second chance perks each, they have 16 second chances and that’s a bit much.

    Dead hard is too versatile with its I-frames, distance as well as the ability to let you pass through the killer and their attacks. Maybe make it so you can’t immediately interact after using it? Dead hard to a pallet or window can add 10-15 seconds to a chase in most cases with most killers. At high MMR, perks dictate how difficult the game is since the meta makes chases longer or gen repair speeds shorter.

  6. Being able to do a gen in 20 seconds is just wtf

    This game is f*cking Survivor sided

    I mean, they say dead dwag Saloon is killer sided but swf still manage to do gens in 5 minutes

    It's fucking ridiculous

  7. If I were to have five perks on a killer of my choice I would choose pinhead and the perks are Dead man's switch, Dead lock, corrupt intervention, no way out and grim embrace. Yes the build is indeed called "rejected"

  8. Anyone having buggy Pinhead matches lately? I can't use his chain ability because as soon as it hits a survivor or hits anything in the environment my screen turns black for the rest of the match. Isn't a one time thing either has happened multiple matches.

  9. My five perks for my mains would probably be:
    Plague: Thanataphobia, Dying light, Pop, SH: pain res & brutal strength
    PyramidHead: Lethal pursuer, Ruin, Undying, deadlock & Enduring or unrelenting (to get rid of DH)
    Huntress: Corrupt, brutal strength, Iron maiden, Forced penance, & Enduring

  10. I was playing pinhead yesterday for the first time in ages again and found myself in a no flashlight, good teamwork match. Finally happy to see that toxic matches aren't the only matches in the game and that justice exists

  11. Could you stop saying “feels good/feels bad”? It makes you hard to watch. That and the insecure laugh you do sometimes. You are skilled and funny, no need to force things or to be delicate. Say your shit and move on, don’t be a weinie

  12. I would love to see the perk system revamped to be points-based, like back when CoD first introduced the Pick Ten system. Say you have 8 possible points spread across 5 slots. Strong perks like DH, Pain Resonance, Unbreakable, and Pop are worth 3 points. Middleground perks like Lithe, Corrupt (and other one-and-done perks that don't stink), Self-Care, and STBFL are worth 2. Pure utility or underpowered perks like Up the Ante, Gearhead, Flashbang, and whatever that Huntress one is when they go in the basement are worth 1. It would be impossible to run three meta perks in this kind of set up, forcing diversity in builds, but allowing four decent perks or five perks in total if you incorporate utility.

  13. I agree with you here Red. I'm top mmr as well and there are games where get wrecked and it feels unfair against certain 4 man swfs. However, I 4k frequently against people with B killers too.

  14. Can anyone tell me why so many people use hoarder with Pinhead ? You will tell me "To know when the lament configuration is picked"
    But since you can TP when survivor begins to resolve it, why do you need to know when he picks it up ? I am really confused.

  15. It would be cool if you overlay'd survivor perks at some point during the game to show what they had in the beginning or end, so we can see what you were actually facing.

  16. On the last game, when the survivor was in the killer shack and got hit from every direction with the chains, I laughed so hard I choked and spit my drink out. 😂😵


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