NO BRAINER! – Dead by Daylight!

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16 thoughts on “NO BRAINER! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I dont think balancing the game around 12 hooks should be a thing and i have points for that. If you think about it, making the game balanced around 12 hooks means that killers who just want to go out the way and just get the 4 kills will create an imbalance for survivors. Lets imagine a tournament as an example, killers wont go for the 12 hooks when its easier to just 4k, thats gonna be stupid by them to just make it more difficult. This is the only game where you dont know who is the winner. The thing with dbd is that there is no defined win condition. Is it a 2k? 3k? 4k? Once bhvr set a winning condition that confirms that you won a match, this is when they finally start to balance the game, because at the moment, there is nothing to balance the game around.

  2. I agree that escaping shouldn’t be as easy or a given but at the same time in order to make it balanced u also don’t want to make it unexpected either otherwise there’s no incentive to play survivor and you’ll have the same problem only in reverse

  3. I thought I was tripping when I heard the sound generators were making in my games but they're doing it here a well so its either a bug or they've really lost their minds over at bhvr.

    It's annoying when a completed gen sounds like one that's at 99% instead of a running engine.

  4. TOTALLY agree on the new generation being unhealthy. Life is a competitive game and the answer is to get good son not whine every five seconds to have things given to you without effort. The irony is the same whiners who can't take a fair loss are the ones who will teabag people and care not one wit about their opponents feelings. Good sportsmanship and aspiring, pushing, each other to greater achievement is being replaced by spoiled children and tantrums.

  5. See the real issue, and I believe we can take note from Friday the 13th, is that every game is the same. If you're survivor, start match, do gens. If you're killer, start match, hook survivors. What I enjoyed about the 13th is that there was a good bit of variety in how you kill and how you survive. In addition, every survivor is just a reskin of each other with different audio, essentially rendering their only significance being the perks you grind from them.

    Hooks, gens, kills and escaping are all the objective but they forgot to make it fun and not repetitive.


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