NOED: A Video Essay – Dead By Daylight

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So many people complain about NOED as if it’s the most crutch and busted thing in the game… I don’t quite understand that mindset. I have always loved playing with AND against it.

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21 thoughts on “NOED: A Video Essay – Dead By Daylight”

  1. No perks "reward you for bad play", it's a specious argument parroted by the dumber half of the community. Perks give you extra options, they offer you certain advantages in certain situations. They don't "reward" anything. Some of them require you to be tricky or skillful to use them, others are pretty simple.
    The reason people come up with nonsense arguments as some perks "reward playing bad" is that some perks can be frustrating to play against. Think about it: why doesn't anyone say "Lightborn rewards bad play. If you pick a survivor up without checking the area for flashlight wielding survivors, it's a mistake, but you get away with it because of this crutch perk." Yeah, no one says that. That's how you know that people who are up in arms about whatever "crutch perks" are just emotional and not thinking clearly. A lot of people feel the need to explain away their losses.

  2. Ran counterforce whole day yesterday. Prevented 4 out of 5 noeds. The one time we decided to genrush noed caught us cold.

    Moral of the story:
    Don’t want noed? Don’t want tunneling? Dont want camp? Don’t fucking genrush

  3. You did that bcuz you had sprint burst. If you didn’t have sprint burst you wouldn’t have just stayed there and instead leave sooner. Weak arguments with every other exhaustion perk as well bcuz it’s the same thing

  4. I Don't mind NOED, but then again I do always run small game xD. At least it's counterable. You got a 1 in 16 perk's (with all 4 survivors) to counter a 1 in 4 perk for a killer. and you don't even NEED those perks. Like you could easily break NOED and still have all your meta perks. Just play how you want and with what you want. (survivor main)

  5. I dont like noed or the people who use it ngl..not even about it being OP or anything it's the most annoying thing in DBD next to you could be playing amazing but still end of dieing bcuz you get hit with noed once and you get one hooked..

    Like idrc if people like or dislike noed I just personally dont like it since 90% of the time its baby killers thinking they're amazing after being shit the whole game I wouldn't use it unless it's a killer I have no real perks on.

  6. I think some survivor mains hate NOED because it forces them to run straight to the exit gates when they are powered and it means they cant get that extra loop in for more points or go for that last minute hook save without risking death. Also it makes teabagging at the gate more hazardous. Honestly, when I have a bad hame as killer there's nothing more annoying than survivors who stall at the end game.

  7. I never run NOED but there are games that I wish I had. Like when I finally get that one down as the exit gates are powered and all the survivors decide to rush me and body block me from getting the hook. Play as killer against a red rank bully squad and you will know what I mean. They dont care about the objectives, they just want to make your game as unfun as possible.

  8. The most interesting thing is: all those entitled survivor mains complaining about NOED always act as if they make it to the endgame, they are entitled to escape. Finishing 5 gens is not a win condition yet, escaping is, what's so hard to understand about that?
    And if the killer wants to use ONE perk to use this endgame to his advantage, then so be it, he didn't have this perk active for the whole rest of the game.

  9. As a survivor, I don't mind noed at all. I think it adds a level suspense at the end (but to be fair I do run a totem build lol). And as a killer, which I am still learning, I have a lot of fun playing noed. Nothing wrong with the perk. Nothing but a good time.

  10. The amount of toxic swf that get smashed by my noed …. they get SOOOO mad. The whole game they are making it rough for me. It's like my sweet revenge. Even if I don't win. Makes me feel better to make them shit their pants

  11. No issue with noed as a perk it exists and is counterable. I just wish survivors would just bloody leave and not go for rescues turning a 1k into a possible 4k 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


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