NOOOOOOOO! LOL – Dead by Daylight!

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24 thoughts on “NOOOOOOOO! LOL – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. How would you feel about them buffing Killer On kick regression to 1/s and ruin regression staying the same but being weaker than base regression for the fact it allows you to Auto regress gens, BUT in exchange, BT on unhooks becomes base kit but only if the Killer is 12m or 16m away (based on distance to hook rather than being in terror radius, the distance required can be Changed or increased by the existing borrowed perk)

  2. Man, blinding a killer when he's breaking a pallet is a waste of time if you just gonna run away instead of making a mind game or something IMO. I don't understand why people do it, if there is something to it please explain 🙂

  3. 8:35 had this locker bug against a toxic sfw, safe to say some survivors do know the game is bugged and take it to their advantage. I won the chase and yet I couldn't pick up the survivor because he was "inside" the locker's action. Tru3 is a good player and did a good job moving, because Oni won the chase, otherwise he wouldn't be able to pick him up.

  4. I like how when the game bugged out and wouldn't let the Oni pick you up, instead of abusing it like most people would. You moved so he could pick you up. Shows great sportsmanship


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