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Title is a joke, just couldn’t think of a cool one
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#deadbydaylight #dbd #DBD
Outro music:
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Title is a joke
I respect the Xbox drip
still can't moonwalk
I hate PC players that always make fun of console players for being poor, it hurts
I play killer for lols and I don’t try to win but if I see someone trying to hit me with a flashlight I drop the body I’m holding then pick it back up after I’m done getting blinded
Xbox gamer for life
Console killers as a console player are sometimes like 90% of the time clueless whenever I’m hiding to try and flashlight pc players man like just know 🙁 rcelite you are kinda right !
heyy um hi lol hey uh
“we’re gonna troll this game” gets downed a sec after😩
Title is clickbait guys they don't exist