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Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
First ayyyyy
Love your Wraith commitment!
Even after the nerf, wraith is still amongst my favourite killers.
Have you ever been so ever that you ever every ever ever. Mmm buttermilk.
Gym tv was out so you got me through cardio!! Ha thx man ;: D
As you can see, wraith is absolutely unplayable now.
Goes to show how much the devs cater to survivors. Nerf an already decently weak killer because survivors don’t like his lunge.
"Earned, not given!" 👌🏻
its a true shame, that even after everything, if those survs didnt mess up that last part, they'd most likely have a 2-3 man escape, and it was down to the survs messing up that tru3 even got the wins. For example if they just one tap healed the others instead of trying to loop tru3 at the end, this would be a very different video.
Gotta be fair and say that Tru3 made several mistakes that actually hurt him pretty bad. Missing the Make Your Choice target, not keeping tabs on who had what exhaustion perks, etc.
Also: Make Your Choice has the same timer as Decisive Strike (60s) so you can use that to keep track of and see if DS is still up or not.
Great game overall though.
True uploads for twitch so fast I can never keep up.
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Someone: Says ''heck''
Youtube: Be gone
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1:31 "she were down" why didnt you just wait until you got closer to hit her instead of wasting your chance like that when you know his lunge was nerfed