Nurse tunnels the wrong Survivor, and then… | Dead by Daylight

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This was a random game against a very decent Nurse that ended up playing out almost like a tournament game after one player …


26 thoughts on “Nurse tunnels the wrong Survivor, and then… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. otz, you should try this build on sadako. ring drawing with tape editing deck and thana, gift of pain, nurse’s and any gen defence perk. ring drawing will spread condemnation by healing and tape editing deck makes survivors start with a tape. it’s a cruel build because once they start healing, not only do they spread condemnation but it will also make survivors repair 9% slower bc of gift of pain and have to insert tapes so they can’t be mori’d. if they choose to not heal so condemnation doesn’t spread, you can just down them easily AND they get effected by thana. with nurse’s, you can catch survivors with their pants down more easily bc of the mangled from gift of pain

  2. wait why am i seeing so many serious comments about this game, i thought this game was to not care how anyone plays and just let it go with the flow, if u know what ur doing then good job but i dont see why people down here are talking shit about the nurse help me understand

  3. I'm glad somebody finally acknowledged that Nancy looks perfectly fine in-game and just looks like an aberration of nature in the lobby.

    I think Claire suffers from a similar problem because she looks all kinds of wrong in the lobby but I never get distracted by it in-game

  4. As a nurse main whose friends are always doing KYF without me, this gave me a lot of good info.
    Btw, quick question. It’s a tactic I haven’t seen much, but how effective is hiding into a locker when a nurse blinks?

  5. 0:52 Why do you wait for a skill check to do a Ruin Check? Hold over from Old Ruin?

    3:35 And no Dead Man's Switch.

    5:28 Already forgot about Starstruck, so you know three Perks and have ruled one out.

    6:19 Dead Hard is a third health state against most Killers.

    8:25 You were sure of Pop (I never got a good look at the cloud), so why are you worried about N.O.E.D.? Keep forgetting about Starstruck?

    8:44 And there's the realization. Too busy seeing the forest and missing the trees maybe?

    12:49 Curse of Deliverance; you WILL be found and hooked first.

    But yeah,. the Kate should have just left to open the Hatch or been nearby to take a hit. Opening the other gate was the wrong move. Shame too, she had bene playing so well before that point but all it takes is one mistake.

    Thanks for the video Otz!

  6. 6:14 Otz says he can tell its pop… but how the hell did he tell through the shack wall when you can't see the big explosion pop gives? Is there another indicator like thru how the killer damages the gen that i'm not aware of?


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