NURSE WANTED TO KILL ME – Dead By Daylight #short #dbdshort

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33 thoughts on “NURSE WANTED TO KILL ME – Dead By Daylight #short #dbdshort”

  1. I feel that this was just made for the video? However, I find some players do this quite a bit. Sometimes, I observe and I find they are cooperating with each other killer and survivor?! Hmm as why I repot this kind of behavior. Don't find it fun, when they go after one survivor right at the beginning of the game just to eliminate you and then, they go and either get points or go for achievements yeah…right

  2. Omg gosh y do killer do this. I play killer more than survivor bc killers are more unique with abilities and stuf but it is probably bc the chain reaction of toxic survivors causing toxic killers.

  3. So glad dead hard actually takes skill now after the patch. Not gonna lie playing solo queues and just seeing three others using dead hard chasing the killer into a DC was like witnessing a crime. Nowadays the meta is still there but there's at least a little more leeway for the killers to punish.🥱


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