One Mistake and I Lose – Dead by Daylight

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one dumb play against what I assume was a great SWF and I completely wrecked myself. sadge


26 thoughts on “One Mistake and I Lose – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Playing into the survivor rule book and trying to 12 hook. Not the kind of killer I wanna watch. Its like cuck porn who wants to watch you cause yourself to loose by "playing fair" maybe survivor mains. And no point in kicking the gen? Why 🙁 every reason to kick the gens not like youre getting kills. Deffend your hooks! You had 1 hook at 2 gens done thats how you loose. If youre gonna 12 hook maybe use end game perks! You make killers look bad. This was just so sad to watch. Why did you upload this? Id be embarrassed….

  2. Scott do you think that it is fair when 1 perk can cost you the game? Is it ok that DH can completely throw a game because it takes skill? If Eruption took skill to use (somehow) would that be a good perk too?

  3. It's a shame to see that one mistake can lose a game with otherwise perfect killer play, the pinnacle of efficiency the likes of which I have never seen. SWF is so broken and op….

  4. I like you Scott but I disagree with the whole framing of the "1 dead hard costed me the game". You made many minor mistakes that could of got you downs that could of drastically changed the game. I'm not gonna break it down frame by frame but you could of done better in some of these chases, and tried to secure a better 3 gen (like by gallows for example). With that being said, can't be perfect all the time 💩 I do agree tho that making 1 mistake as killer can definitely cost you a game, and that dead hard/body block did make a difference


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