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Hi everyone this is PotatoOnryo here I hope you’re keeping VERY WELL!
Lets do something different for ONCE a Q&A in the description!
Q: But PotatoLegion Onryo sucks? This title is just clickbait!
A: Well yes her base kit is VERY weak but when you over focus on her condemned ability and use very powerful add-ons with constant Teleportation map-pressure she becomes VERY difficult to deal with.
Q: Can’t you just do your video tapes + gens? it’s easy!
A: Well the onryo will be slugging your team and constantly tping around giving you more condemned then you can handle.
Unless you are in sync with your team and timing when you’re doing your tapes and not gens she’ll just keep the pressure going.
A: well her add-ons are apart of her base kit… every killer’s Tier RANK SHOULD be also based off their add-ons / kit. It’s apart of her list of add-ons therefore it’s her strength
Q: But GEN rushing can counter this easily!
A: Well… do you load into every game with gen rush equipped? Then sure you might have a chance! But for the casual solo que player this build is DISGUSTING to go against!
Q: SWF beat this easy
A: If they are well coordinated and know how to loop so they don’t get slugged non-stop then yeah of COURSE.
But this build is a huge SOLO que killer.
Build explanation (0:00)
Correct build LOL (3:47)
Wrong build but it worked? (17:17)
Use code Potatolegion:
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– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”
🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵
#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DBD #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer
I disagree with the perks, STBFL+jolt*fearmonger+discord
Also ring drawing is old hat you want the nails
What? COB ERUP overcharge makes sadako S-tier? Who knew
That meme intro was great XD
Well obviously douche builds, you have to have a impossible Doctor in there.
Distressing, Unerving Presence, Sloppy Butcher, Clourophobia
With IRI King and the Purple Terror Radius Increase
And in terms of Map, Either GAME or MIDWICH LMAO
would like to see a nasty Executioner build as he is my main, i run a nasty build but pretty sure there is one out there even worse
I really don't get why people over-hyped the bubba leak so much. Like…I don't care how reputable a leaker has been in the past. Rumors can still be wrong.
People need to learn to look at things objectively and not allow themselves to get whipped up in a frenzy over unconfirmed news.
I want to see a nasty Toxic Build for Demokira
Would love to see you do tombstone/ scratched mirror Myers
no shes not S tier with this build
You say GG EZ it's hilarious, you're the type of killer who cries if he can't get a 4K at 5 gens it's "ohhhh it must be a 4man swf it has to be 😂
Killers can do OP builds like this for example, and if a survivor has a decent perk or 2 it's….."ohh that's op needs nerfed" 😂
Onryo, giving survivors the death stare one by one. 🗿
That song at the beginning is very fitting for Midwich Elementary School
The best condemned build
Corrupt intervention
Lethal pursuer
Bbq and chili
Hex ruin
Tape editing deck
Iri videotape
Midwich map
Onryo is S tier with 3 meta regressions perks. Who would've expected that!
If you have to use the actual strongest meta build right now to make a killer good, maybe that killer actually just sucks and needs to be buffed. 🤔
Don't know if you've done it already but the impossible skill check build for Doctor is always funbto watch
Looks like fun but cancer to play against if your bad at looping
Everyone nasty with this build🤷🏽♀️
Cant wait to watch this build die when the solo queue icons come in
Do artist next
i have actually played vs a condemn onryo as a solo already multiple times and almost always 2 ppl dc :/
Personally, I think Condemn Only Sadako should be something like Scratched Mirror Myer: something to do for the memes, but not too serious
it's not condemned build it's dcemned build
a nasty build for bubba ,myers or ghostie be cool
The sheer amount of time Iridescent Tape saves on Onryo's teleport cooldown is positively ludicrous; it's the single largest raw time-saver in the game AND it's tied to both her map pressuring capability and Mori mechanics.
Full gen-punt builds are pretty vicious even on mediocre M1 killers, let alone one who is getting their power unlocked. It's not surprising that the best Onryo player went on some ludicrous 300+ winning streak.
I’ve been doing this with her and haveing a blast lol I get so many salty survivors doing this
Hey potato legion can me and some friends play against that
The Waffle House has found it’s new host
A slugging build on spirit with certain add ons are disgusting!!
Good content, but i thought this was gonna be some cool build thats rarely seen. This just the same thing every other killer is running 😢
You misspelled "Literally every killer that can kick".
Discordance can go instead of overcharge or nowhere to hide, makes more sense for the double or more stacks of condemn each time it's triggered on a gen near a tv. Basically same build the top 1 condemn mori player OnePumpWillie is using for his win streaks.
é impressão minha ou ele falou iiiiiiiiiiisssssso
Cracked 2 games!
I’ve been using this build for a few weeks and I can say it’s definitely S tier. Every match I’ve played always had atleast 1 or 2 Dc’s. Just Hit/Run & you’ll have always have atleast 2-3 condemned every game. You can switch no where to hide with Discordance, it’ll help with what tv’s you should go to, in order to get more stacks.
box camping cenobite
loved that you guessed the right gen to tp to lmao
The Onryo build was fun to watch 😀
I think you could take one of gen slow down perks away and use something like floods of rage or haunted grounds
Wow you notice either the kills are counting as hooks, when u get a condemned kill it counts as 3hook states
Do skill check doctor
Bro any killer can Be s tier. Just abuse those mate perks
Im sorry but that intro was jut hilarious. On one hand it's amazing to see how salty survivors DC so quickly because things don't go their way, and on the other hand it's sad to see how many actually do DC and leave the rest of the team to suffer and the killer to not be able to accomplish what they wanna do.
I've gone against a condemned Onryo many times which is why COH is decent against her for self healing, hyperfocus or deja vu, turn off the tvs. I've done this many times solo and still the survivor team I'm will tend to be well coordinated and understand how to deal with this type of playstyle.
your head is shaped like a potato