OPEN IT! IM SCARED! – Dead by Daylight!

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30 thoughts on “OPEN IT! IM SCARED! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Tru3talent: "I'm just brutally honest. I speak my mind and don't care what people think. Most people can't handle that kind of honesty."
    Also Tru3talent: "Oh noooo, I'm not allowed to speak about balance. If I'm not careful, some trolls in the comments will be mean to me."

  2. true is real asf and that’s why i watch him religiously. Fog whispers took a Fat L loosing him, bhvr just want people to kiss their ass and follow their crazy rules

  3. Where does console players get advantage? Cause it's definitely not on survivor side as it takes me bloody 5 hours just to turn my camera around….Also killers can't do flicks like they can on PC and if we get a PC nurse for the match it's pretty much GG as in 3 years playing I've only got 1 good nurse on PS4, rest is garbage and barely anyone plays them 🤷‍♀️

  4. Why dont devs just make the survivors invincible already? Better yet, just remove the killer entirely, that way survivors can just gen rush and teabag each other on their way out. Fun for everyone…

  5. 6:23 Does it matter? to hell with those stupid assholes. Look at the damn game, is not suppost to be played with communication all the time plus the game is designed to force you to make decitions on your own, for example going for a save or keep on the generator, what would you do? if you keep sitting on the gen that person on the hook will hit stage 2 unless you call was right and another teammate go for the rescue. Should i take a protection hit for my teammate who's in chase now or is he just fine in strong loops?
    Decitions is what makes the game fun to play, as solo anyway.

  6. I feel bad about what happened to tru3 I really do. He’s damn good at the game and I wish he would speak his mind more. I mean ffs he’s got nothing to lose talking about the game now. Don’t mock anyone specifically and focus fully on the game and go the fuck off about it.

    I have watched this guy for years and he loves to talk about speaking his mind and he use to do that. Now he cowers back anytime he’s asked about anything on the game. Speak your mind tru3 your actual fans will listen. Don’t be whiny but instead bring up points and reasoning instead of the constant “top 1%” you keep saying. You’ve always been sound minded and made sense to me but now you sound like a scared broken record. I miss you tru3.

  7. Whining doesn't convince people. Just say it as a list of facts.
    Whining about them treating you badly doesn't do anything.
    Convincing people is easy. Stick with pure cold logic.
    "The game is built around making survivors happy more than killers, because there are more players playing survivor than there are players playing killer."
    It's simple.
    'I have played against survivors who play perfectly and it is objectively true that if they do not make mistakes I cannot down/hook/kill any of them."
    Simple facts.
    "people do not accept simple facts because of emotions. It triggers a primal instinct when running from a killer, and so the emotions run hot."

  8. They should add in-game communication to make solo more like swf but then increase gen time/regression. That could increase toxicity between survivors tho and too much effort for bhvr.


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