Otz's Killer Tier List (5.6.0) | Dead by Daylight

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This tierlist is my best attempt to rank all Killers based on the average strength in the context of public matches. Many of the placements were really close to each other and tough to decide. Footage taken mostly from my “sweatiest builds on every Killer” video.

Killer Portrait art from: https://twitter.com/hunnybe4r

0:00:00 Intro
0:04:17 The Nurse
0:08:23 The Blight
0:12:09 The Spirit
0:15:52 The Hag
0:20:43 The Artist
0:25:43 The Oni
0:29:14 The Executioner
0:35:41 The Plague
0:41:28 The Huntress
0:45:54 The Twins
0:52:41 The Cenobite
0:58:00 The Cannibal
1:03:15 The Nemesis
1:08:06 The Demogorgon
1:12:32 The Deathslinger
1:19:05 The Hillbilly
1:24:41 The Trickster
1:30:12 The Doctor
1:36:08 The Legion
1:42:56 The Wraith
1:48:18 The Onryo
1:54:31 The Clown
2:02:09 The Ghostface
2:08:09 The Nightmare
2:13:55 The Pig
2:19:55 The Trapper
2:26:38 The Shape

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


36 thoughts on “Otz's Killer Tier List (5.6.0) | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Timestamps:
    0:04:17 The Nurse

    0:08:23 The Blight

    0:12:09 The Spirit

    0:15:52 The Hag

    0:20:43 The Artist

    0:25:43 The Oni

    0:29:14 The Executioner

    0:35:41 The Plague

    0:41:28 The Huntress

    0:45:54 The Twins

    0:52:41 The Cenobite

    0:58:00 The Cannibal

    1:03:15 The Nemesis

    1:08:06 The Demogorgon

    1:12:32 The Deathslinger

    1:19:05 The Hillbilly

    1:24:41 The Trickster

    1:30:12 The Doctor

    1:36:08 The Legion

    1:42:56 The Wraith

    1:48:18 The Onryo

    1:54:31 The Clown

    2:02:09 The Ghostface

    2:08:09 The Nightmare

    2:13:55 The Pig

    2:19:55 The Trapper

    2:26:38 The Shape

  2. I pretty much agree with everything Otz said about Sadako. (I put her one step above Wraith but otherwise I have them both at 2/5 stars). That said, he talked at length about Condemned being unlikely to go off, which is true, BUT there is a build RedGamingGear has been highlighting recently that you can do which with the right slugging strategy makes Condemned much more of a threat. It works like this:

    – Use her Green add-on which makes it so if a survivor heals another survivor that has Condemned stacks the healer gains one too.

    – Jolt to explode nearby gens on downs

    – Bamboozle to block windows on strong tiles to help secure additional hits

    – Infectious Fright for information on where survivors are after every down

    – Pick your favorite perk as the fourth to fill it out.

    The strategy is simple – slug survivors on downs and hardly ever hook. Basically pick one survivor you're planning to hook out of the match first and only hook them, everybody else you slug. And only hook when you're sure you have created enough pressure that the survivors are too busy healing and doing other things to not be doing gens effectively.

    Because you aren't hooking you're saving yourself about 10 seconds every down to get into a new chase immediately. Infectious Fright tells you if there's someone nearby to chase or, if that doesn't go off, you can teleport to a TV farther out that seems likely to have survivors. You're essentially always in chases in the entire time, so almost the whole game you have one survivor down, one being chased, one going to heal the slugged survivor and one possibly on a gen. And every time they heal each other they gain stacks of Condemned which forces them to also have to deal with the TVs to get rid of it.

    Because of all the pressure and stacks this strategy and build generates, it's not uncommon for Sadako to get one or even two Condemned kills. The strategy isn't necessarily better than playing normally with her, but it is as good and it is a viable way to actually use Condemned to get kills which makes it worth checking out as a variant way to play her. 🙂

  3. I do fully and wholehearted agree that Nemesis' addons are mediocre at best, and just downright awful at worst. IMO, they feel far too split up with the different aspects of the basekit power, split between the contamination and mutation rate, the vaccines, and zombie speed. His basekit is solid, but really a lot of the addons don't bring any real noticeable changes to the basekit other than the Broken Recovery Coin, which takes away a vaccine from survivors.

    It also feels silly now that the Marvin's Blood addon got a nerf because… Nemesis killers were seen to be using it a lot? That was it? In "high MMR," it's pretty critical to get yourself out of tier 1 and into tier 2 to make yourself massively more effective in chase against survivors, as a single chase can mean victory or defeat for the killer.

    There's a lot to be desired with this killer, but honestly it feels very much like BHVR might not even look at Nemesis for a long time, especially after the nerfs done to a bunch of his formerly better addons. They very much felt unneeded and, like Otz said, cruel.

    There's a lot to the killer I'm very much satisfied with, but also a lot that's left to be desired, such as rolling back certain nerfs that were made. Maybe even some minor tweaks to the basekit.

    Plus, Otz is very much right in that the skill ceiling is so high for Nemesis, especially once you're able to learn and master the drag tech with the tentacle whip for Nemesis. After that, it's about learning where you can hit survivors over low and medium loops, effectively cutting corners with many chases. There's a lot to learn about this killer, and a lot to practice with him as well once you're able to fully understand the hitbox mechanics.

    This was a great analysis of the killer, his powers, his weaknesses, and his addons. It very much reflects a lot of the same sentiments I have about the killer as well, and I can't wait to see more from you!

  4. Generally agree with this list but based on the rules of knowing how to use the killer and going up against pretty good but not God tier survivors, Myers is nowhere near the worst killer in the game. If you know how to use him you aren't in tier 1 for more than like 30 seconds (again, assuming we aren't talking about the sweatiest mega aware 4 man SWF). "It's going to come down to getting caught in a bad spot" is an extremely common scenario for a killer with a 16 meters (8 meters if running M&A) terror radius. Even without addons I'd argue he's mid C tier. With bow and memorial he's mid B tier. With tombstone piece he's A if not S tier

  5. One thing I always love about your videos is how you take the time to go into detail and explain everything, whether you're talking about perks for 8 hours, ranking every add on in the game or tier listing killers, its always really helpful and super appreciated <3

  6. I played legion a ton when they came out, and I enjoyed them quite a bit. They were never strong, but people moonwalking n shit resulted in him being nerfed to oblivion.

    Haven't played dbd in a year or so, so I don't know how much they've changed since I last played, but I'm not surprised they are still very low ranked in strength

  7. Hey Otz! I very recently started playing Dead by Daylight (Mostly playing Legion so far), and even at the lowest level (Ash 4?) the survivors I go up against have already have full loadouts of purple perks. Is that normal? Is it just gonna be a bit of a grind to get myself caught up with the perks everybody else already got?

  8. I actually really like Sadako because she's short and I love practicing chase with short killers like legion and pig and she's by far the best out of the 3 shorties. I don't count freddy because he's boring af.

  9. I don’t get these tier lists. Everyone wants to say this and that killer is b or c tier, then the devs pull out the stat chart and cenobite( which everyone says is a b/c tier) has the highest kill rate. Trapper which is apparently considered the worst of all has 11th place in kill rate

  10. Haven't gotten to this point in the vid yet so sorry if you already said this, but I think a good buff to trapper would be to let him spawn in, like, thirty seconds before survivors so he has time to set a few traps, since that's all he does for the first minute or so of the match anyways

  11. you think there is any chance they completely remove demo and replace him and the survivors with non-licensed characters that do the same thing? I think that would be super cool tbh to have a leech from outer space or something have the same kit as the current demo so everyone can play him

  12. As a Nemesis main, I completely agree with his placement. It sucks his add ons were nerfed. Although I might put him a bit higher on b tier as if survivors use vaccines early on they can run out and you can tier up much quicker.

  13. How can this legend put all this information together in the time that he does with ALL the factors he's considering, but BHVR can't freaking figure out that Nurse isn't F Tier cos "kill rate low brrrr"

  14. I love Doc, took me from a newbie to the game to maybe 500 of my 900 hours, but I agree he belongs atop C; love him and some of the alternate playstyles you get with his add-ons (unironically using Distressing still brings me too much joy please send hel-) but damn if it doesn't hurt my soul when his shock backfires at loops. Currently buddy, just can't get amped to play yah, but I alternate back and forth on that and will surely come back to him for some laughs soon enough.


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